Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

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Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby phami » October 18th, 2022, 10:37 am

hey guys.
wanted to try to experiment something, and i need you, the community to help if u want

as seen my current nickname is jon(i like to change nicknames xD) may more known as Phami.

It's no secret that toxicity flows all over FM, sometimes more and sometimes less (can't say i wasnt toxic sometimes - would be a lie)
I believe it happens due the competitiveness of the game, and that's more than fine to be competitive, that's what makes the game more fun, that competitiveness - but not the toxicity when THERE'S NO SINGLE FS without flaming or writing "ez"

Anyways, i had an idea, but it can work only if u guys are with me here, I need your help.
If we want to truly enjoy the game, let's stop flaming eachother. lets start helping eachother, let's give settings to eachother, let's play with "lower leveled" players. lets give hand to new community users of fm, lets get more players into this community to make it interesting. let's upload vids of analysis so others can learn from there, lets keep that competitiveness

Why am i even posting this thread? because i want this community to stay alive. I've learnt in my life that i dont appriciate things until they're gone, and that's what i think that may happen within some time.

Hopeful to see changes, we got a great community and let's try to fix those things. lets be more friendly towards eachother we all share the same community

I might post some fs's, officials or my analysis of a game just for fun in the future, if anyone got ideas or thoughts what we should do i would like to hear your opinion and i'm sure others too

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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby tim » October 18th, 2022, 11:30 am

It may be a good idea, but some people have taken so much of a huge melon and will continue to be toxic.

The game will remain toxic as long as there are cheats, the game is not equal for everyone unfortunately with this extrapolation and the cheats.

This may be the reason for a difference in level on some.

Let's remember that users have created a cheat and are still present on the community, how do you want to improve the game when the main thing that harms the game is the cheat?
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby phami » October 18th, 2022, 12:25 pm

tim wrote:It may be a good idea, but some people have taken so much of a huge melon and will continue to be toxic.

The game will remain toxic as long as there are cheats, the game is not equal for everyone unfortunately with this extrapolation and the cheats.

This may be the reason for a difference in level on some.

Let's remember that users have created a cheat and are still present on the community, how do you want to improve the game when the main thing that harms the game is the cheat?

there is a script ready against the cheaters, a real anti cheat host where the cheaters cannot use it.
i havent tested it, because i don't have the cheat, but Gax (creator of Opcheat or whatever this cheat calls like) has made it.if we can trust that room? idk, i guess a loyal cheater has to test it.
anyways, that host atlesat by Gax said that it's anticheated and he wanna sell those hosts.

But, even if this host is fake,it's fine, it's so easy to detect cheaters, they are way too shaky. banning them immidiately when there's enough proofs is the solution and Hannes mentioned that already, if there's proofs for someone cheating, he will be banned accordingly.

The cheat is irrilevent, because the toxicity was before the cheat. Let's all help eachother! If anyone needs to ask for settings from someone else, give it! share your extra! share your zoom! Whatever that can help others! give tips etc etc

and most important, we as a community gotta treat others more nicely, no one wants him to be treated like he's shit.
It's really getting out of hands sometimes.....
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby aMp » October 18th, 2022, 12:41 pm

The community sadly cant be saved in my oppinion.

Everyone knows that I took some players and helped them became better in this game I dont wanna give names or shit but I tried to do it again after some time but it was kinda impossible because 90% of the community will tryhard, play cancer and after they win they will make fun of the players I play with which in my oppinion its not fair
I think Feed Me should have more rules about toxicity and flame
about the galvan anticheat now
In my oppinion if we ban punisher (which should be done) we should ban galvan aswell like he created the cheat SELL it then he created a room to SELL IT AGAIN? and if we wanna play a fairly game again we have to fucking play in his host which will cost na fuck off I prefer not to trust him.
The only thing we could do is to wait Mario (Basro) to come with anything new about the game or anticheats or anything which will never happen lets be honest

Anyway your idea its good and I think most of us appreciate it but I think its to late (for new players dont ask for zoom/extra/browser it will make you be an addict of trying every shit and then you will realise that you didnt do anything and remain div2 for 5 seasons in row while playing fs 5 times a day)
A good tip that I can give to the new players its that you should try to play it with friends and noone else because winning its nice but winning with friends its the best feeling that you can get from this game in my oppinion
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby Mücolajj » October 18th, 2022, 1:13 pm

it's a logical idea but seems difficult with the current layout

Due to the fact that it is a competitive game, sometimes there can be disagreements. First of all, let's not forget that this is a game and let's try not to harm the people in front of us with our words. Until now, I have preferred to play with people I see close to myself as a character, remember that this is a game and don't break anyone's heart. I hope it will be a game that you enjoy and have fun with your friends.
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby Zoro1 » October 18th, 2022, 1:49 pm

GUYS LISTEN we are doing the same sh1t for like AGES here, every season call your friends create your own team apply the league play offis fs BLA BLA BLA

for like YEARS there are same group of people playing together we face vs. the same people in league in HCL in nations cup in FSes like COME ON

stiff wind crew for YEARS
gilbert and his friends crew for YEARS
FEAR crew for years
misaj crew for years
italians crew for years
pierre & müllewa crew for years
polaks always play with each other for eternity
portuguese play together for eternity
spanish play together or either with portuguese for eternity
invincible closed thank god but would be a good example aswell
fata crew,
grüner's crew

I can count more

what I mean here is we literally face nothing unexpected for a very long time like before the season starts you already know whats gonna happen top teams finish around top maybe changing places stiff wind goes leader sometimes fear sometimes him sometimes her you know that pablo haxobar will be the last place in every league they would join or ajhax will be eliminated in the first round of cup or savage hax will end like 7nd place in league of the elders will relegate HOW CAN THIS BE FUN like literally we are playing for a scenario that we all know how its gonna end its BORING AF, the game itself is boring af already because of extrapolation abusers so COME ON can we please give up some of our comfort to make this game more interesting

its in our hands to make this game interesting again after these years we can still make it fun & exciting we just have to change the system we just have to switch to a new method to play

imagine there would be Draft system in league so each season we could see different combination of players playing together trying to build some tactics some chemistry together this would be the real challenge you could never expect what would happen in any season, right now you see stiff wind playing for seasons you know how they are going to play rocky will randomly kick the ball kyrai will score 10 games per match somehow or las venturas will defend or the elders will get their as5es kicked every match or ajhax will lose all games or nik & eri will never actually be a part of any team and always play fs like this community is the same for years can we please change something thanks. I used my last energy molecules to write these paragraphs and noone will read it until the end probably so please change something its boring like SOME ENTERTAINMENT PLEASE
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby phami » October 18th, 2022, 2:04 pm

U guys wrote amazing things,
Since all those stuff are true, I have decided to react to those things in one comment and to sum them up

1. PLAY with your friend, it’s important, improve with them and win thropies, that’s more fun to win with non friends as teammates
2. Let’s not hurt other people, let’s not harm them. We need to respect and help new players.’s understandable to rather playing with your friends, but this game became like a script, people keep playing with the same players, what if we would mix it? A draft? Random players playing with each other for some time and building chemestiry?
Or what if we just decide to cooperate and play with new ppl we don’t know?
As mentioned here, all the comments on this post currently are TRUE, and yes it’s hard to save the game, but we all want this community and game to work.

My pov from what I learn from comments until now is that we still have a chance, I believe. Hit me up to play any random player, or just to talk on mic! Letsssgo

AND pls, call more random players to play with u fs, maybe u will meet a new teammate to your team / future team :)
Lately, I got more into the Portuguese group, they are really guys, funny and respectful.
I can say I know Fear group and they’re also funny and great, despite the ‘fights’ I had with, and I know many Turks in game, Israelis, French, Georgians, Italians and whatever!! what I’m tryin to say is, I like playing with everyone and they are so many great ppl here, just need to talk with them

GLAD to see your reactions, any ideas or opinions are acceptable.
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby phami » October 18th, 2022, 2:16 pm

Also, haven’t thought about sharing it, but me and Levitan played fs and I recorded it I guess some will also the find the fs funny, We talked on voice chat and some reactions were funny.
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby Smurf2 » October 18th, 2022, 3:38 pm

but Gax (creator of Opcheat or whatever this cheat calls like) has made it.if we can trust that room? idk, i guess a loyal cheater has to test it.
anyways, that host atlesat by Gax said that it's anticheated and he wanna sell those hosts.

Holy shit, this guy makes cheats sells them and then makes anti cheat for his own cheats and sells this aswell, what a legend
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby phami » October 18th, 2022, 5:01 pm

Smurf2 wrote:
but Gax (creator of Opcheat or whatever this cheat calls like) has made it.if we can trust that room? idk, i guess a loyal cheater has to test it.
anyways, that host atlesat by Gax said that it's anticheated and he wanna sell those hosts.

Holy shit, this guy makes cheats sells them and then makes anti cheat for his own cheats and sells this aswell, what a legend

I know right?
bro, this guy has top marketing thinking, 200 IQ move.
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby aMp » October 18th, 2022, 5:18 pm

Jericho wrote:GUYS LISTEN we are doing the same sh1t for like AGES here, every season call your friends create your own team apply the league play offis fs BLA BLA BLA

for like YEARS there are same group of people playing together we face vs. the same people in league in HCL in nations cup in FSes like COME ON

stiff wind crew for YEARS
gilbert and his friends crew for YEARS
FEAR crew for years
misaj crew for years
italians crew for years
pierre & müllewa crew for years
polaks always play with each other for eternity
portuguese play together for eternity
spanish play together or either with portuguese for eternity
invincible closed thank god but would be a good example aswell
fata crew,
grüner's crew

I can count more

what I mean here is we literally face nothing unexpected for a very long time like before the season starts you already know whats gonna happen top teams finish around top maybe changing places stiff wind goes leader sometimes fear sometimes him sometimes her you know that pablo haxobar will be the last place in every league they would join or ajhax will be eliminated in the first round of cup or savage hax will end like 7nd place in league of the elders will relegate HOW CAN THIS BE FUN like literally we are playing for a scenario that we all know how its gonna end its BORING AF, the game itself is boring af already because of extrapolation abusers so COME ON can we please give up some of our comfort to make this game more interesting

its in our hands to make this game interesting again after these years we can still make it fun & exciting we just have to change the system we just have to switch to a new method to play

imagine there would be Draft system in league so each season we could see different combination of players playing together trying to build some tactics some chemistry together this would be the real challenge you could never expect what would happen in any season, right now you see stiff wind playing for seasons you know how they are going to play rocky will randomly kick the ball kyrai will score 10 games per match somehow or las venturas will defend or the elders will get their as5es kicked every match or ajhax will lose all games or nik & eri will never actually be a part of any team and always play fs like this community is the same for years can we please change something thanks. I used my last energy molecules to write these paragraphs and noone will read it until the end probably so please change something its boring like SOME ENTERTAINMENT PLEASE

You are so wrong ...
Al1s created last season a team because it was boring already was not fun to win games over and over again (We had a 40games without lossing) so you can understand
I also gave up on hakut last season and this season I started playing with lewa who was Ass Kickers striker last season (not saying he is bad) and with REL who never was gk in his life and if we compare to Las Venturas who had literally same line up (till they fighted) anyway as I said this game is about fun if we play fs we play for fun we don't have tactics or anything or playing fs to be ready for official or smth with 2 hours before official we are also bored of the game (when it comes to fs) officials are always smth else and always fun but you can't also say anthing to those who still play fs 5 hours a day we all have our own decision and if someone play 5 hours of fs its their own choice (and if we think and go back in time we all had 1 day when we played all the day haxball or wanted to become better)
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby teoman » October 18th, 2022, 5:50 pm

Jericho wrote:GUYS LISTEN we are doing the same sh1t for like AGES here, every season call your friends create your own team apply the league play offis fs BLA BLA BLA

for like YEARS there are same group of people playing together we face vs. the same people in league in HCL in nations cup in FSes like COME ON

stiff wind crew for YEARS
gilbert and his friends crew for YEARS
FEAR crew for years
misaj crew for years
italians crew for years
pierre & müllewa crew for years
polaks always play with each other for eternity
portuguese play together for eternity
spanish play together or either with portuguese for eternity
invincible closed thank god but would be a good example aswell
fata crew,
grüner's crew

I can count more

what I mean here is we literally face nothing unexpected for a very long time like before the season starts you already know whats gonna happen top teams finish around top maybe changing places stiff wind goes leader sometimes fear sometimes him sometimes her you know that pablo haxobar will be the last place in every league they would join or ajhax will be eliminated in the first round of cup or savage hax will end like 7nd place in league of the elders will relegate HOW CAN THIS BE FUN like literally we are playing for a scenario that we all know how its gonna end its BORING AF, the game itself is boring af already because of extrapolation abusers so COME ON can we please give up some of our comfort to make this game more interesting

its in our hands to make this game interesting again after these years we can still make it fun & exciting we just have to change the system we just have to switch to a new method to play

imagine there would be Draft system in league so each season we could see different combination of players playing together trying to build some tactics some chemistry together this would be the real challenge you could never expect what would happen in any season, right now you see stiff wind playing for seasons you know how they are going to play rocky will randomly kick the ball kyrai will score 10 games per match somehow or las venturas will defend or the elders will get their as5es kicked every match or ajhax will lose all games or nik & eri will never actually be a part of any team and always play fs like this community is the same for years can we please change something thanks. I used my last energy molecules to write these paragraphs and noone will read it until the end probably so please change something its boring like SOME ENTERTAINMENT PLEASE

Haxball is like football. Not everyone always wins. Fear team was bad once and they finished the league in last place.
But right now they are one of the best teams in the league. You were noob one day, now you're not. The Stiff Wind team was bad once. So anything can happen in haxball.
You can change this cycle. It's not hard to do, it just takes time. But if you give up, there is no way to do it.
This game will be fun for us when we succeed. Thank you :)
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby Flaviu » October 18th, 2022, 6:05 pm

I don`t normally do this stuff but i am gonna give you my opinion.

For Players like me , it`s very hard to find a team to play since everyone play with their friends so Jericho is right.
Haxball become a little boring ,even with a draft system i don`t think it will work since most people will want to play with their friends. I also tried to make the NordHax with Draft System and it failed since majority of the captains decided to not take part if it was going to be with draft.
This is why i created NordHax where anything can happen during a season we had 2 almost 3 diffrent champions in 3 Seasons.
And it season 4 we may get FEAR as champions or ZawHax.
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby Smurf2 » October 18th, 2022, 6:08 pm

jon wrote:
Smurf2 wrote:
but Gax (creator of Opcheat or whatever this cheat calls like) has made it.if we can trust that room? idk, i guess a loyal cheater has to test it.
anyways, that host atlesat by Gax said that it's anticheated and he wanna sell those hosts.

Holy shit, this guy makes cheats sells them and then makes anti cheat for his own cheats and sells this aswell, what a legend

I know right?
bro, this guy has top marketing thinking, 200 IQ move.

but if we are being a bit serious,
the soultion is to start bannig players, defintley not to buy hosts from galvan who is selling the cheat.
and if you are really serious about making this community non toxic i would start from removing him from HCL team and not support him by publishing his hosts with the excuse of it would solve toxicity in the game.

btw idk if anyone said smthing simillar cba to read the comments
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby Mod » October 18th, 2022, 6:14 pm

As much as i would like this to happen and the community stop being toxic there will always be toxicity, this is the world we live in, its not even about haxball, you look at the world and since the begining of time toxic people always existed and unfortunely no matter how much we talk nothing will change, there are people in this community that will never change and we all know who those people are.
The only solution i see is admins making more strict rules, giving punishments to people who are toxic, if basro gave a shit about the game he could also put chat filters to hide insults or things like that.
But lets be honest with ourselves here, nothing will chance this topic will die in 2 days max and people will continue to be toxic, only thing we can do is focus on ourselves and ignore the people who are like that.
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby Torment » October 18th, 2022, 6:33 pm

- game is flat (there is literally no innovation in terms of gameplay, most players build up their sinergy around repeatedly kicking balls from dm to corner hoping that a shot might randomly sink in)
- a lot of people are just too immature/mentally challenged to put away their fragile egos and try having fun even in fs games without feeling the need to type 10 messages per minute
- as mentioned above there is a lot of closed up groups that don't allow the already small enough community to mix up (i agree about it being a thing even tho i personally do not associate myself with a lot of italians)

in my opinion these are the main factors that create frustration, rivalry and toxicity generally
more "4fun" tournaments like there used to be, or a league draft system would definetly help but unfortunately I think the admins gave up on the league a long time ago, and it's understandable i honestly would have done the same if i was them
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby Sosa » October 18th, 2022, 8:17 pm

jon wrote:hey guys.
wanted to try to experiment something, and i need you, the community to help if u want

as seen my current nickname is jon(i like to change nicknames xD) may more known as Phami.

It's no secret that toxicity flows all over FM, sometimes more and sometimes less (can't say i wasnt toxic sometimes - would be a lie)
I believe it happens due the competitiveness of the game, and that's more than fine to be competitive, that's what makes the game more fun, that competitiveness - but not the toxicity when THERE'S NO SINGLE FS without flaming or writing "ez"

Anyways, i had an idea, but it can work only if u guys are with me here, I need your help.
If we want to truly enjoy the game, let's stop flaming eachother. lets start helping eachother, let's give settings to eachother, let's play with "lower leveled" players. lets give hand to new community users of fm, lets get more players into this community to make it interesting. let's upload vids of analysis so others can learn from there, lets keep that competitiveness

Why am i even posting this thread? because i want this community to stay alive. I've learnt in my life that i dont appriciate things until they're gone, and that's what i think that may happen within some time.

Hopeful to see changes, we got a great community and let's try to fix those things. lets be more friendly towards eachother we all share the same community

I might post some fs's, officials or my analysis of a game just for fun in the future, if anyone got ideas or thoughts what we should do i would like to hear your opinion and i'm sure others too


why the fuck is the most cancer jew macro abuser is trying to give us a lesson here? tell me just wtf how you dare to write such a useless things with your profile :drunken:

who ever want to know a bit more about who and what phami is, watch this and please read description :reindeer:

+about this galvan anticheat, its true and i informed admins sometimes ago about to put it secretly in hosts, but OFC XDDD autistic phami reveal to everyone that there is anti cheat so now every cheat user can go try to bypass it, and its even useless to put it rn, nice
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Last edited by Sosa on October 18th, 2022, 9:20 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby Sosa » October 18th, 2022, 8:22 pm

Smurf2 wrote:but if we are being a bit serious,
the soultion is to start bannig players, defintley not to buy hosts from galvan who is selling the cheat.
and if you are really serious about making this community non toxic i would start from removing him from HCL team and not support him by publishing his hosts with the excuse of it would solve toxicity in the game.

btw idk if anyone said smthing simillar cba to read the comments

yep, first of all is banning players, and usually there is not 150 cheaters, so banning 1 or 2 as exemple for others should be totally normal,

in this video you can see loken with the cheat just after an official vs fear in 34th ssn...
read carefully the description to understand better the thing :study:

btw, i sent this video to admins at the same day, they did not anything cuz i wont say why, for example phami cheating case is pretty light cuz this FA player isnt involved in the league actually, but the loken case this cancer who cheated whole ssn blatantly and no one move their ass to do something, wtf ?
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby phami » October 19th, 2022, 4:02 am

Sosa wrote:
jon wrote:hey guys.
wanted to try to experiment something, and i need you, the community to help if u want

as seen my current nickname is jon(i like to change nicknames xD) may more known as Phami.

It's no secret that toxicity flows all over FM, sometimes more and sometimes less (can't say i wasnt toxic sometimes - would be a lie)
I believe it happens due the competitiveness of the game, and that's more than fine to be competitive, that's what makes the game more fun, that competitiveness - but not the toxicity when THERE'S NO SINGLE FS without flaming or writing "ez"

Anyways, i had an idea, but it can work only if u guys are with me here, I need your help.
If we want to truly enjoy the game, let's stop flaming eachother. lets start helping eachother, let's give settings to eachother, let's play with "lower leveled" players. lets give hand to new community users of fm, lets get more players into this community to make it interesting. let's upload vids of analysis so others can learn from there, lets keep that competitiveness

Why am i even posting this thread? because i want this community to stay alive. I've learnt in my life that i dont appriciate things until they're gone, and that's what i think that may happen within some time.

Hopeful to see changes, we got a great community and let's try to fix those things. lets be more friendly towards eachother we all share the same community

I might post some fs's, officials or my analysis of a game just for fun in the future, if anyone got ideas or thoughts what we should do i would like to hear your opinion and i'm sure others too


why the fuck is the most cancer jew macro abuser is trying to give us a lesson here? tell me just wtf how you dare to write such a useless things with your profile :drunken:

who ever want to know a bit more about who and what phami is, watch this and please read description :reindeer:

+about this galvan anticheat, its true and i informed admins sometimes ago about to put it secretly in hosts, but OFC XDDD autistic phami reveal to everyone that there is anti cheat so now every cheat user can go try to bypass it, and its even useless to put it rn, nice
Sosa wrote:
jon wrote:hey guys.
wanted to try to experiment something, and i need you, the community to help if u want

as seen my current nickname is jon(i like to change nicknames xD) may more known as Phami.

It's no secret that toxicity flows all over FM, sometimes more and sometimes less (can't say i wasnt toxic sometimes - would be a lie)
I believe it happens due the competitiveness of the game, and that's more than fine to be competitive, that's what makes the game more fun, that competitiveness - but not the toxicity when THERE'S NO SINGLE FS without flaming or writing "ez"

Anyways, i had an idea, but it can work only if u guys are with me here, I need your help.
If we want to truly enjoy the game, let's stop flaming eachother. lets start helping eachother, let's give settings to eachother, let's play with "lower leveled" players. lets give hand to new community users of fm, lets get more players into this community to make it interesting. let's upload vids of analysis so others can learn from there, lets keep that competitiveness

Why am i even posting this thread? because i want this community to stay alive. I've learnt in my life that i dont appriciate things until they're gone, and that's what i think that may happen within some time.

Hopeful to see changes, we got a great community and let's try to fix those things. lets be more friendly towards eachother we all share the same community

I might post some fs's, officials or my analysis of a game just for fun in the future, if anyone got ideas or thoughts what we should do i would like to hear your opinion and i'm sure others too


why the fuck is the most cancer jew macro abuser is trying to give us a lesson here? tell me just wtf how you dare to write such a useless things with your profile :drunken:

who ever want to know a bit more about who and what phami is, watch this and please read description :reindeer:

+about this galvan anticheat, its true and i informed admins sometimes ago about to put it secretly in hosts, but OFC XDDD autistic phami reveal to everyone that there is anti cheat so now every cheat user can go try to bypass it, and its even useless to put it rn, nice

Thanks for commenting, even though that comment is out of context.
I think that you should open a thread/topic about me if you really think I’m cheating, i don’t mind if u do.
For who doesn’t know, sosa HATES to lose, and when he does, he’s toxic, I don’t even react to this guy anymore, he lost and started insulting my whole family, my religion, me and just all over.

Anyways, I hope this thread won’t become out of context, and clearly u can’t fool anyone thinking I’m a cheater, you’re the first guy who’s “reporting” me, and probably be the last, anyways, I didn’t even want to react to you, because clearly you’re bullshitting, and you’re the one who uses cheats, macro and the worst thing, YOURE toxic as H E L L.

Alright then, let’s clear some things up if anyone accidentally believed your pathetic BS.
In the video I’m playing striker, that’s lovely for me to see me playing ST because I barely do, so thanks for sharing that atleast :))
Well as seen in the vid, everything is normal. I was using 200 extra that time (bad choice lmafoo), but I never look even close to a cheater. Like it’s so normal that players look like that, so don’t understand what u even tried to do.
Clear to say that sosa reported already to admins and accused me being a cheater and redbull, and obviously, nothing happens and nothing will happen, because I’m not redbull or a cheater, in fact I sent a record I played against redbull xD

All the description is a big manipulation shit, MRX never messaged bad things about me after fs, and never called me a cheater, I just played fs with mrx lately, he’s a nice guy and had fun with him Lucille and take control, they are all my friends.

The only one thing true in this description, is that I’m not a computer expert, I know nothing when it comes into those thing, I have an engineer diplomacy tho but nothing with changing ip’s or flags and idk.

also people can check my officials to see if there’s anything weird. I have also posted that fs video with Levitan, elite and martyk which shows exactly how I play at the moment (with sound)So that accusation of yours is really dumb.
Thanks for making yourself a fool sosa, I m sure the reason you haven’t posted this video about me was because u know u would be called out pathetic by many users, and a liar. U ruined even more your reputation, but I still don’t mind to play with u fs’s.

And again, just open a thread about me, which u haven’t done, I wish u a lot of luck In your life, and don’t be toxic towards others!

Also to some of the comments here, it is so sad that we all experience that toxicity or just see it, I guess just trying to be more friendly is the solution. I still believe we can change something, as dear mod and torment mentioned, I’m rly hopeful to change and I’m sure y’all too, I see lately a bit more respect to each other from some players
EDIT: I don’t want to reach no one a lesson, we can change the community together, u can do that too sosa, applying from not being toxic and not spreading lies
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Re: Toxicity all over? Let's fix it.

Postby Sosa » October 19th, 2022, 5:53 am

all yu say again its just useless like this thread, ur low iq, just like admins, but some players already confirmed in pm what is said in the both videos, u or loken, problem here is admins who never ban people, and actual problem of this thread is a dogshit fs player who try to talk about toxicity like kind guy while he has done the worst things in this game like macro, cheating, cancer playstyle, insults, alt account attempt.
if i really hated you i would not help you with ur windows and computer, but i hate when u act stupid, so please next time stfu stay in ur toxic fs player role ur nothing more, and stop call me to fs i dont like ur autistic playstyle ty

i didnt post the video to ban u since admins are scared to ban 2-3 useless cheating retards, its just to show that ur dog and this good attentions u try to show is just not matching with phami

actually go just try to play atleast one full season in the league before crying about it
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