Karma has no deadline.

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Re: Karma has no deadline.

Postby noobgamer » October 10th, 2022, 12:03 pm

Great, now you can't use this hack because of the lag, right? How do we know the lag really matter without some evidence for that too?
You just want us to see you as the only one person we should trust to catch the hackers after you created this shit.. Why should I trust you and not aMp? I don't even know this guy for real, we were never good friends or teammate but still, I think nobody should be accused without legit proofs. You are just so funny anyway, should i call you punisher or jesus? Please save us and the world of hax. :bounce:
That analogy with the gun doens't work here because haxball market doesn't exist at all. So it's like the hack is coming from black market. If you create the gun and sell it on the black market you get arrested too.
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Re: Karma has no deadline.

Postby BullHax27 » October 10th, 2022, 2:27 pm

they make me laugh these guys who know nothing and believe they can stop these hacks. it's just a code that you can copy and paste and then delete it and no one will see anything.
people who say they don't have hacks and then want to find a way to stop them without knowing what it is?
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Re: Karma has no deadline.

Postby Allen » October 10th, 2022, 5:14 pm

people still fighting over big cheats, grow up, get a life, go outside, smile more, make friends, get a girl, get married, make children, teach them to not get close to haxball.

big is dead for the last year or two, half the game uses cheats, even exposing someone isnt surprising since no one cares
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Re: Karma has no deadline.

Postby Mod » October 11th, 2022, 2:40 am

aMp wrote:https://imgur.com/1lx8v1I

The saviour now its scared of getting banned I don't know how we can still accept him in the community

The rule that I came with its pretty simple:

1- Player open obs or any recording.
2- Player then shows his browser extensions and some other ways to add the hack/script/cheat whoever you wanna call it (which ill teach meyzi and he will add in rule)
3- After the player join he has to open record while filming with obs or any record and any main admin have to stay with the player till the match starts and its after 1 minute of playing
4- When match is over the player will open obs while he is in room, he will save record and upload to thehax

at the end the admin staff will check if any player left the game or not and if we will either ask for every player to send their obs record or not ONLY if they are suspect
In my oppinion its pretty simple you won't lose any FPS while playing or anything and its possible to everyone (you can film even with phone but it has to be clear enough or you can just screenshare to admin before playing you just don't have to refresh the game while playing and if you do you just have to do the same steps again (first 3)

Any questions I wait in discord or TS and I wait for oppinions about it

bro i like you but this is the shittiest and funniest thing ive ever read on this community, you really think anyone will record every official and go to the trouble of doing all that shit because of a 2d game? some people just wanna come home for work or school and do their official in peace without having to worry about having to record their games because some virgins feel like cheating and ruining other people's experience, apart from the fact that even if anyone wanted to do all that, there are just a lot of things that you said that wouldnt even be possible for some people.
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Re: Karma has no deadline.

Postby kevin » October 11th, 2022, 10:17 am

trag bn caut clan
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Re: Karma has no deadline.

Postby Sosa » October 11th, 2022, 11:46 am

i also already tried to show some proofs of cheating about other players in private to admins, but admins are not players they didnt see the cheat in real time they didnt play against and cant even understand what is this, so finally they dont care and they dont ban even with proofs, some people allow themself to cheat cuz they dont give a fuck about the respect of rules and they know that admins are pussy's, so all this is pretty useless even with proofs as we can see
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Re: Karma has no deadline.

Postby spookymane » October 11th, 2022, 12:49 pm

extrapolationless haxball is a must :star:
kick ratelimit is also useless.
if u extrapolate my dick, i think it hits basro's mom cuz he is (homeless - m) :fp:
f him & we need new haxball client
@punisher what bout yo project??? any update???
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