However, we can't guarantee that any team that signs up will get a place in the league.
Season 34 will begin: tba
- Code: Select all
Team Name -
Logo - (150x150)
Lineup - (add countries of players + captain and co cap)
Why you want to captain -
1. Make sure you have access to decent host
2. Have a squad of active 5-12 (recommended 8.) players → remember to edit the lineup in your application post according to keep it up-to-date
3. Don't have ragers in the team
4. Make sure your players have a good internet connection
A channel will be made for your team in the new teams section on - pm Hannes, Gary, Whitee or any TS Supporter.
Deadline: 28.05.2022
If you have any concerns or questions, please pm Hannes, Gary, Whitee or GirlontaR