Season 15 - The Title Race

Season 15 - The Title Race

Postby Herna » April 28th, 2016, 12:54 pm


Hi! The Title Race is much more exciting than it was the last seasons, so made this thread to follow it better.

With a win against Dream Destroyers Los Santos could make a big step to the title today!
LS and DD are the only teams who have the title in their own hands atm. Follow it today at 22:15 in the Livestream!
archNemeses and YeS Allstars have to hope for mistakes of the teams before them.
Will LS do it? Or will archNemeses get it in their first season in division 1? YeS Allstars have got many matches left, winning all is probably needed to have a chance still.
The match this evening will tell us more about what is possible and what not - if LS only draw or lose, YeS and aN have it in their hands again. DD has the worst position, but still two matches against direct concurrents left - everything is possible!
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Re: Season 15 - The Title Race

Postby Herna » April 28th, 2016, 2:02 pm

I made an interview with Los Santos' DM CRonaldo - he is very optimistic that his team will win the title!

Only 4 wins stand between Los Santos and the first FM-championship in the team's history. But the other teams are close behind you, only one mistake could be too much - do you think your team will stand the pressure?
CRonaldo: Well it's a hard question, but I think Los Santos will win their 1st championship. If you look at the other teams & LS their scheduele, Los Santos has the easiest. We already have had the hardest opponents, only 1 very hard left today, Dream Destroyers.

Yes, today at 22:15 in the Stream you have the deciding match for the title - afterwards you only face teams of the bottom half of the table. But DD has got 4 HCL-finalists in their lineup, it will be a hard match - will you make this big step today?
CRonaldo: DD already had 4 HCL finalists when we won them 1-0, so I don't see why we cant win for a 2nd time.

How will your ragequit look like if LS looses today and archNemeses wins the league?
CRonaldo: haha I won't ragequit because LS won't lose today and imagine, even if we lose and win our last 3 games we have a big chance to win the league. DD still has to play against E69 & YeS, aN still has to play against YeS & E69

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Re: Season 15 - The Title Race

Postby Herna » April 28th, 2016, 2:18 pm

I made an interview with the DM and Co-Captain from archNemeses - Barca aka Frank Hemd!

You are only one point behind the first place, but dont have it in your own hands anymore - do you think you will get your chance for the title?
Barca: Well the chance is of course there. As you said it is just one point and in my opinion everything is possible with the 4 top teams. We try our best as we did in all matches and that is why we almost reached our main target with a place under the top 4. After now 22 matches where we are unbeaten(with another league) I don't think anyone will underestimate us any more and I hope for me and my team that our streak won't end before the end of the season.
This is your first season in 1st division - is the season a great success even if you dont win the title, or would only become first now make you really happy?
Barca: Hard to say. Of course it would be a success even when we will not win the season in the end. I would say that we would be really happy with a 2nd to 4th place and super super super happy with 1st place (Guardiola-style :D).

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Re: Season 15 - The Title Race

Postby Herna » April 28th, 2016, 2:52 pm

You won the last edition of the HCL - now you are aiming for the FM-championship. Your match today 22:15 in the stream will decide proably already if you have the chance for it - are you optimistic?
lukyno: Im satisfied with HCL. Our game was good, because Bonaparte is very good defender and doupi is sniper. And what about FM, we have good start in the league, our combination going to be better and we will do everything to win this league.

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Re: Season 15 - The Title Race

Postby Herna » April 30th, 2016, 12:19 pm

archNemeses won 6-1 against Night's Watch
Los Santos lost 0-1 against Dream Destroyers
YeS Allstars drew 2-2 against Meh Squirrel

What does that change?
YeS Allstars have eventhough they only drew against Meh Squirrel the chance for the title again - and it in their hands. With five wins and a better goal difference than Los Santos they would be 1st. Really important is there the match against archNemeses this Sunday. With a draw or a loss they would have nearly no chance anymore, and that will be hard against archNemeses' spamming the ball in offensive corner-tactic. But archNemeses might try to win too - DD and LS are tight behind them and with a draw DD would get the change to get before them. LS has to count on YeS or other teams beating their concurrents, but the chance is still good.
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Re: Season 15 - The Title Race

Postby Herna » April 30th, 2016, 10:52 pm

you made a short break from haxball - how disappointed were you that your team wasnt able to get the success it wanted without you and didnt have it in their own hands anymore to become champions?
Caccapupù: I trusted manager Whitee, I thought he could keep giving the winner menality to our players even without me, but that's clearly not how things have gone. I came back in the 2nd leg to help my team reach what belongs to us: the 1st place. no jk nobody cares about it if we win it's ok if we dont win it is still ok
eventhough you played only 2-2 against MS you have thanks to DD the chance again now to become champions, the first step is the important match on sunday against the leading team aN. is your team focused and optimistic to win this match?
Caccapupù: Yes, we are optimistic to win the match vs aN as we are optimistic to win the following matches. The athletic trainer pata is making us spam and spam everyday, to make sure we will be ready to win the spam battles against aN.
to become champions you have to win 5 matches in a row now, to win the cup you have to win the final, in hcl you cant loose too if you want to win. is your team stable enough for this pressure?
Caccapupù: No, it isn't. Our mental coach Renato will bring us to the "Hyperbolic Time Chamber - The Room of Spirit and Time" of Dragon Ball Z, to train our minds and to don't let us lose the concentration as often happens.
people ask themselves why your talent yawn isnt playing always. does the team question the management too?
Caccapupù: Yawn doesn't always play because we keep the atomic bomb for the best wars... Maybe, at the moment, we aren't in wars good enough for our atomic bomb. :D
do you want to say something more to your fans?
Caccapupù: Sexy fritzler
this interview isnt 18+, so pls say something nice to the children
Caccapupù: Sexy dogan

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