Season 13 Previews DIV1

Season 13 Previews DIV1

Postby MrP » July 26th, 2015, 6:27 pm


Pablo Haxobar:
The upcoming season will be the 9th in Division1 in a row and currently makes Pablo the team with the longest spell in the top flight. Been relatively succesfull in the first couple of seasons meanwhile the team is not a real contender any more. For the new season Pablo get strengthened with two players who already have history in Pablo. Rooney1878 rejoining the second time, been topscorer of Div2 last season for YeS-Allstars. Second signing is Rodwell, who co-founded Pablo with MrP back in 2012. Those two old/new faces should be able to compensate the leave of Zerothree. Nobody else seems to leave in the team so the core stays the same. With the results of the last seasons in mind Pablo Haxobar can't be seen as a title contender, first aim should be to avoid relegation.
Prediction: 5th - 8th

"1) oh well, i just saw the preview of mrp, and he predicts us to be in fight for avoiding relegation
2) ill aim for palying a better season than the last one!"

As third team to reach promotion it will be a tough season for them. Banks gave captaincy to socrates because of time reasons, but the squad stays mostly unchanged. Let's hope the team can compensate the time issues of their top-striker. With hakaes they lost a backbone of their defence. However, with the signings of Chillmaz Poels and Comän, Andalé gains a lot of experience and strenghens the squad depth in comparison to last season. It might be possible for the team to be a contender for a top half finish, but i'm predicting Andalé being part for the fight to avoid relegation.
Prediction: 5th - 8th

"1) As the lowest ranked team from last season to be in Div1 now then I guess we should be realistic and hope to stay in div1. We've got some really good players but most are out of form - if we can get people back to their best then maybe we can do better. My personal aim is for everyone in the team to enjoy it, no one to rq and to finish with the same squad that we start with.
2) I don't know many of the teams but I'd probably expect YeS and Watch & Learn to be favourites. After collapsing twice last season against YeS it would be nice to do better against them this season. I am looking forward to playing against Pablo as I have friends there - I hope they have a good season too!"

Memento Mori:
MM played very strong in their first FM season and they showed everyone how strong the lithuanians can be. Same as in Andalé the squad almost remains the same. The team of captain Mantas still can count on the key players striker Gbale and very solid Health on DM. A question still stands on who gonna be their GK, both, Mantas and Silver showed good performances last season. There are experienced signings with Hulk@, Kovinis and Impecable facing the leavings of Tsubasa, luck and hum, which should be increase their level in overall. I see MM as a medium strengh team in Div1. It's now up to them to prove if they can compete with the established Div1 teams.
Prediction: 5th - 8th

"Our aims for this season is obviously to try and get as high position in the league as possible, though I will be happy if we'll stay in 1st division and won't be relegated to 2nd div. As for my opinions about other players and teams, this season fm league is strong. especially 1st division. Its not like we have main rivals etc but probably it would be YeS Allstars/W&L though every single team not going to be easy to beat. And the only reason I consider those teams as strongest in league because of they superb offensive power well also because of that they both won divisions they played in."

The team of doupi started as Div2 winner last season and first had problem to get used to Div1, but in the end they played a strong season and finished 3rd. It was especially doupi himself who has been the key-player, finishing the season as 3rd in assists and goals. With Lukyno strenghened the squad, he was part of their succesfull promotion season. After an unsuccessful spell at Quickswans in season12. Elite losing main-gk poroan to the new Div2 team Canucks, now its up to popi to carry the responsibility. Apart from that there are no big changes in the lineup and we can be excited about the second Div1 season, which is often a hard one. The power density in Division1 is very high this season, so it can be the small things deciding about succes and failure.
Prediction: 5th - 8th

"We started last season awfully but still managed to get into the title fight. We lost it in the end which was a little disappointing, but it left us motivated to come back stronger this season. Unfortunately, poraon the traitor left us for Dream Destroyers so that weakened our defense. On the other hand, signing lukyno and Bonaparte bolstered our attacking options and we look forward to challenging for the title. We don't expect it to be easy, but our ultimate goal is to win the league and if we start strong this time, I believe we have the quality to do it"

Aston Birra:
AB has to prove they still can compete at the top of the league. Being 2nd as a promoted side last season, now the team of Paulinho has to compensate some changes in the team. With DerrickRose they losing one of the best players of the world to FM's champion W&L. Ramos, Reus (both to TA) and Totalplayer left aswell. So it was up to Paulinho to get replacements, i think he did a good job on this, because with the signing of aero he got a striker who often proved his abilites already. With Duke, orange, William and Destro AB getting players who already proved in their former teams they can play succesfull. So there is a competition on all positions. Now its up to Paulinho to build a team with his new squad and create a good atmosphere around this great players.
Prediction: 1st - 4th

"1) Well the dream is to reach what we lost last season for 1 point. Anyway i am aware that it will be harder then season 12 but i think that this group has the technique and the strenght to be again a revelation of this league
2) Well speaking about Div 1 i suppose that W&L and YeS can fight first for the title, then there are a lot of team on the same level like QS or Pablo who reinforced the line up with Rooney1878. As regards Division 2 i think it will be a duel between Los Santos and Tallawhas, without forgetting TuT with their experience and Dream Destroers which is maybe the best Czech team with Roman, KEANU, poraon.
I hope it will be a great season for all teams without arguments and unfair behaviours."

For QS it will be the third season in Division1 in a row, thats second longest spell of the current teams. In the last seasons their final position always been between 4th and 6th, and i think now they want to reach higher. The preconditions are good, the core of the team stayed, with naho 2nd best scorer in season12 and Rautovic 2nd best assister in season12 they will again cause trouble in the defence of their opponents. Also in Defence they're well-staffed. Having Pupek and saviola as gks plus DrG and Ferry as dm. They conceeded second least goals last season. KingKong and kot are their new signings, if they will be active they could increase the squads ability. Leavings of Insane, Luykno and Naser shouldnt be a big deal for QS, because they didnt played much anyway last season. Wouldn't there be so many strong teams in Divsion1 QS could be easy top4 team, now it will up to the key-matches to decide about the outcome.
Prediction: 1st - 4th

"we actually discussed it yesterday. i asked him if he wanted 2 win the league but he responded: hahahaha no thats never gonna happen and then we both cried 4 a while"

YeS Allstars:
With an incredible 80 goals in only 18 matches, Yes not only scored most goals of all teams promoted for the last 9 season, but also won 17 of 18 matches. So the team of Fritz is not insiders' tip for Division1, but they surely will be a top contender for the race for championship. With Rooney1878 they losing one of two topscorers in the team, but that seems the only player leaving so far. Meyer of W&L is HCL Winner, one of the best players at the moment is now joining Yes. Awell joining Schnuppel, german national player and israelian talent Echo. Already having players such as Fritz, Isco, Yaadon and Deliric in the team you can imagine what they heading for.
Prediction: 1st - 2nd

"1) im confident that we are going to play a good season. although we are new in div1, i count us as one of the favourites for the title for several reasons. first of all we clearly dominated the 2nd division and there have been tough opponents though. the second thing that might be our major strength: continuity. our roster is well balanced and active, so i dont expect us having lineup issues and furthermore there are no key players that are irreplaceable, because we have at least 2 top players on each position. Our roster is almost the same as in last season, we just added 3 more strong players that allow us to have even more possilitibies compared to last season.
2) our major aim is ofc to continue our successful div2 season and without any doubt we want to win div1, too. Taking some friendlies and the preseason cup as example, there should be a realistic chance for us to compete for the title."

Watch & Learn:
The former Vatreni team, promoted side of season11 wasnt a title contender before season12. But with many reinforcements Ron was able to create a top team. Many players joined, many left, result was the winning of the FM title. Absolute key-player of the team is still turkish HCL winner Rqq. The big changes continue this season too. So in the preparation of the new season half of the roster was changed. Left: tönek, doctor, Ukoriginal, Krol, ewa, Igor and Meyer. All the new names have to prove now if this were right choices. Key-signing should be highskilled striker DerrickRose, who could compensate leaving of Meyer, despite he's playing another position. Additionally there joined some quality players from turkey like Ashley, juninhoo, Just and Müllersh, aswell as Alan10. Like in AB Ron now has to build a team out of this internal competition for the starting positions to compete again for the title. If this will be succesfull, i'm sure W&L will be on the top positions again.
Predicion: 1st - 2nd

"1) Our aim is to do much better then in last season, we had too many mistakes which can't happen this season. This season is maybe the strongest in last few year but I don't think it will have any influence on our game. We go match by match and we will see what happens.
2) I think any team in div 1 with little bit of luck can compete for top positions, so it's hard to predict winner really. I wish all teams good luck and I hope best team will take the title."

Thanks to aero for interviews and hannes for technical support and translating.
Good luck for every team in FM Season13!!!
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Re: Season 13 Previews DIV1

Postby Rautovic » July 26th, 2015, 7:34 pm



oh u
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