LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R13)

LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R13)

Postby Maddude » August 25th, 2013, 7:32 pm

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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby te][o » August 25th, 2013, 7:54 pm

overdose vs 0815
defwin for overdose
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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby mlfaijati » August 25th, 2013, 7:56 pm

NWA vs DD or LPH or w/e

Basically this is just a protest.

http://www.haxballtube.com/watch/95788e64ff < First Half

Basically we start on Rami's host which some players can't connect to, due to FAQ problems - which is fair enough. Then they try and get us to play on a portuguese host (lolwot) which we refuse after going into the room and it being unplayable to Didavi and BoGy - why the fuck would we play on a portuguese host anyway fuck knows. So then we go to FrA's host (Neutral and German, hosts many games etc etc) and they for some reason refuse to play on it, and basically just cry about it.

luck: omg this fkn
luck: SHIT
luck: TEAM
Pr0: fuking nubs
* Pr0 has left
luck: with fkn cancers

luck: ur mother fkr
luck: style

So then we go to Pr0's host, which looks good. Turns out during the game the ping went up but seeing as the match had taken long enough to start and we didn't want to have another bitch fight we complete the half, with BoGy and Didavi clearly lagging for part of it which led to us being 2-0 down. As is customary we then link them our host (well a neutral host so we aren't getting any advantage) which is FrA's again (why he stuck around this long is beyond me) and then they all join with stupidly high ping, unrealistically high ping for such a good host. Most of their players are lagging above 200 at the start while we all had 100 (considering the distance between the players in our team is quite impressive, once again leaning itself to the fact that the host was in fact good). We then get into a long bitchfight once again. Insults get thrown towards us while we don't retaliate to them. They consitently ask for Rami to host despite how they refused to play on his host beforehand and the fact that their own players were getting FAQ problems in his room. Also they ask BoGy to host despite how he said he can't host. In the end Rami and I get banned by luck/Pr0 and we decide that we don't want to play against such opponents and that is the end of the play. Evidence and such is below.

Evidenz: Show
http://www.haxballtube.com/watch/1f3b7e439c Rec of pre-2nd half.





Fucking disgrace tbh, neither myself or my teammates want to play against players like this. I think that luck and Pr0 should both be banned for this behavior tbh, it's just unacceptable for people like this to be captains in this league.

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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby okayy » August 25th, 2013, 8:43 pm

DD vs NWA FT 2-0
1st Half http://www.haxballtube.com/watch/95788e64ff
2:34 luck (assist Renato)
7:08 Eriksen (assist Renato)
2nd Half
gg as mentioned above by mlfaijati that himself and his players don't want to play against us anymore.

Why should I be banned when I was asking NWA to change host for 5mins as 2-3 of my players had a 200+ ping which is unplaybale... and the answer I got was no... -_-
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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby luck » August 25th, 2013, 9:06 pm

Dear mlf,

first of answering all you said, with my right of freedom of opinion, I will tell you one thing, last season IKEA were top 2, with you they are one of the last teams, but oh, in FM they are top (in FM they play without you).. and NWA last season were top team, and now they are one of last teams..

Think about this, you might get some answer for what you are looking for.

Now let's go to the match.

Basically this is just a protest.

You can call it however you want, I call it "Cry to admins".

Basically we start on Rami's host which some players can't connect to, due to FAQ problems - which is fair enough. Then they try and get us to play on a portuguese host (lolwot) which we refuse after going into the room and it being unplayable to Didavi and BoGy - why the fuck would we play on a portuguese host anyway fuck knows. So then we go to FrA's host (Neutral and German, hosts many games etc etc) and they for some reason refuse to play on it, and basically just cry about it.

"why the fuck would we play on a portuguese host anyway fuck knows" No one of your team had more than 130 STABLE PING. ALL 130 stable, you even had 70 ping.

"and they for some reason refuse to play on it, and basically just cry about it." ? MAN? Me and Renato had 500 ping both, but yes you call this "some reason refuse".. When it's your team you call this "it being unplayable", when it's our team you call this "for some reason refuse" ok ok, very mature from your part. When it's you it's unplayable and "omg, how we can play here", and when it's us it's "and basically just cry about it."

So then we go to Pr0's host, which looks good. Turns out during the game the ping went up but seeing as the match had taken long enough to start and we didn't want to have another bitch fight we complete the half, with BoGy and Didavi clearly lagging for part of it which led to us being 2-0 down. As is customary we then link them our host (well a neutral host so we aren't getting any advantage) which is FrA's again (why he stuck around this long is beyond me) and then they all join with stupidly high ping, unrealistically high ping for such a good host. Most of their players are lagging above 200 at the start while we all had 100 (considering the distance between the players in our team is quite impressive, once again leaning itself to the fact that the host was in fact good). We then get into a long bitchfight once again. Insults get thrown towards us while we don't retaliate to them. They consitently ask for Rami to host despite how they refused to play on his host beforehand and the fact that their own players were getting FAQ problems in his room. Also they ask BoGy to host despite how he said he can't host. In the end Rami and I get banned by luck/Pr0 and we decide that we don't want to play against such opponents and that is the end of the play. Evidence and such is below.

Let me say you, for start, when you started complaining about ping, at THE END. When first half was alredy finished. Eriksen played all the match with 200 ping, but ofc, your 130 ping is bad and you can't play with this :-( (With the same ping that I jkd u :-()

"and then they all join with stupidly high ping, unrealistically high ping for such a good host. " Oooooooh. So you're now BASRO. GUYS, WE GOT HERE BASRO, HE CHOOSES WHICH ARE THE GOOD HOSTS AND WHICH ARE THE BAD ONES.. Please man, I had +400 and Renato had +400, but you say "all" ofc.

"In the end Rami and I get banned by luck/Pr0 and we decide that we don't want to play against such opponents and that is the end of the play. Evidence and such is below"

What? Erm, let me just tell you one little thing man, all players from your team had admin, just think about this, maybe some player of your team think bad about you and ban you.. Just saying bro.

Fucking disgrace tbh, neither myself or my teammates want to play against players like this. I think that luck and Pr0 should both be banned for this behavior tbh, it's just unacceptable for people like this to be captains in this league.

First of all, explain you that no one gets banned for insulting, maybe if it's repeated yes, but first time you will only get a warning.

2nd, here I give you one example:


Oooooooo, who is this? THIS IS YOUR TEAM MATE :> Why don't ask him to get banned? I'm waiting ! Now you will say me that that was insulting in a good way or smth like this, then I also insulted you in a good way :-) I luv u so much mlf.

So basically, you play a game, loose 2-0 in 1half and give up 2half.

I call this crying AFTER you loose, this is not a behaviour of a real man.

My tip for you is get some skills, and when you want write me on ts "hey luck, i want to play vs you", and I will play vs you ;-) To see if u maybe improved a little bit.

I have a special gift, just for you, bcz I love you so much:


How do you call this? I call this your team being juked.


p.s: Image

mlf acting in a mature way


Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby aeRo » August 25th, 2013, 9:26 pm

luck you wont be playing in fm next season.

Please shut up for the sake of your team, else you won't be finishing this season either.
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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby aeRo » August 25th, 2013, 10:11 pm

luck wrote:No, they can say thx to me because pro got a fkn team that were last in league, and now we are #4 :-)

Your haxball ability affects your personality how? I'm banning you from FM because people like you aren't welcome here, saying people have cancer is a horrible to thing to say and your reaction to being told the situation will be resolved was appallingly immature and rude. This isn't the first time people have had a problem with your attitude and I'm certain it won't be the last.

@NWA and the remaining members of DD, you can have a replay without luck at an agreed date or a defloss can go to the uncooperative team

<22:53:58> "Psykout22": you really don't know who mad is?
<22:56:40> "luck": lol?
<22:56:42> "luck": man
<22:56:46> "luck": I know they are admins
<22:56:53> "luck": i just don't know who the fuck are they in haxball
<22:56:55> "luck": "pros?"
<22:57:02> "luck": I alredy see where is UK in CC
<22:57:44> "luck": and if they bane me
<22:57:46> "luck": for me is alright
<22:57:50> "luck": keep banning good teams
<22:57:52> "luck": and keep the ones
<22:58:01> "luck": that can't play 1 fkn match
<22:58:12> "luck": and keep also
<22:58:14> "luck": the disbanded teams
<23:00:42> "Psykout22": he made feedme and was the first to really get talking with the rest of europe
<23:01:02> "Psykout22": i don't see how where uk is placed in CC relates to anything
<23:01:12> "Psykout22": maddude is a skillful player that has played in YeS Div one teams
<23:01:21> "Psykout22": and on TiS
<23:01:41> "luck": yes
<23:01:43> "luck": maddude is good
<23:02:30> "Psykout22": then what are you arguing, you just said who is mad in haxball, and then you say maddude is good
<23:02:46> "luck": i mean
<23:02:47> "luck": about
<23:02:54> "luck": grizzly
<23:03:04> "Psykout22": he cofounded feedme with mad

I'm not banning you because you are good, I'm banning you because you are a disgrace to humanity.

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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby okayy » August 25th, 2013, 10:19 pm

Replay for wot? .. 1st 2-0 and 2nd half is going to be played.
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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby HeY » August 26th, 2013, 7:28 am

Ajhax - Yellow Wolves 1-2 ( 0-2 )

0-1 | JULYAN
0-2 | PARA ( 0:42 )
1-2 | Gazza ( 7:30 )

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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby te][o » August 26th, 2013, 10:35 am

someone needs to tell luck that Guinness doesn't recognize being the most banned person from haxball leagues as a record

edit: and just to add to that: about time! he's the village idiot of the spanish haxball community and everyone makes fun of him, I don't understand why he acting so big nowadays as he only has one remarkable skill: talking some captain's ear off until he gets signed.
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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby s.signorelli » August 26th, 2013, 6:59 pm

GrizzlyKitten wrote:
luck wrote:No, they can say thx to me because pro got a fkn team that were last in league, and now we are #4 :-)

Your haxball ability affects your personality how? I'm banning you from FM because people like you aren't welcome here, saying people have cancer is a horrible to thing to say and your reaction to being told the situation will be resolved was appallingly immature and rude. This isn't the first time people have had a problem with your attitude and I'm certain it won't be the last.

@NWA and the remaining members of DD, you can have a replay without luck at an agreed date or a defloss can go to the uncooperative team

<22:53:58> "Psykout22": you really don't know who mad is?
<22:56:40> "luck": lol?
<22:56:42> "luck": man
<22:56:46> "luck": I know they are admins
<22:56:53> "luck": i just don't know who the fuck are they in haxball
<22:56:55> "luck": "pros?"
<22:57:02> "luck": I alredy see where is UK in CC
<22:57:44> "luck": and if they bane me
<22:57:46> "luck": for me is alright
<22:57:50> "luck": keep banning good teams
<22:57:52> "luck": and keep the ones
<22:58:01> "luck": that can't play 1 fkn match
<22:58:12> "luck": and keep also
<22:58:14> "luck": the disbanded teams
<23:00:42> "Psykout22": he made feedme and was the first to really get talking with the rest of europe
<23:01:02> "Psykout22": i don't see how where uk is placed in CC relates to anything
<23:01:12> "Psykout22": maddude is a skillful player that has played in YeS Div one teams
<23:01:21> "Psykout22": and on TiS
<23:01:41> "luck": yes
<23:01:43> "luck": maddude is good
<23:02:30> "Psykout22": then what are you arguing, you just said who is mad in haxball, and then you say maddude is good
<23:02:46> "luck": i mean
<23:02:47> "luck": about
<23:02:54> "luck": grizzly
<23:03:04> "Psykout22": he cofounded feedme with mad

I'm not banning you because you are good, I'm banning you because you are a disgrace to humanity.


loooool bb luck. :)
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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby Maddude » August 29th, 2013, 8:01 pm

defwin acdp :s
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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby Rénbeaudach » August 29th, 2013, 8:08 pm

default win to VVV over MAOS lol
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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R12)

Postby Chillmaz » August 29th, 2013, 8:15 pm

TI Sparta - h0bA

a) 2-2
b) 0-2
0-1 Kana-Biyik (Crocus ) 5:55
0-2 Kana-Biyik (Santiago) 10:05
1-2 iNoob (Devil) 6:35
2-2 Razmo 8:00
1st: http://www.haxballtube.com/watch/ce36ebe088
2nd: http://www.haxballtube.com/watch/966c1e00d4
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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R13)

Postby GerrardHax » September 3rd, 2013, 7:41 pm

poke attackers - Gorrilas
final score - 2-0
half time score - 0-0
rec - http://www.haxballtube.com/watch/d333836fe2
goals- 11:25 Gerrard , 11:42 Gerrard(Pro4Ever)
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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R13)

Postby Douglas Maicon » September 5th, 2013, 7:34 pm

Defwin for ikea against mighty ducks
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Re: LEAGUE - Sunday 25th August (R13)

Postby mlfaijati » September 8th, 2013, 8:12 pm

So finally we played the game of haxball.

NWA 1-1 DD


[1:05] da silva OG (l0l) [2:20] KaLa scores but we wp, he was host but w/e, bare crup excuse but o wel. [15:50] cc OG - heh

BoGy and cc said they were lagging after but the game but hpns.
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