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Div2 ST of the season

PostPosted: May 5th, 2020, 9:00 pm
by jasko
And the nominees are:

Cede 24 goals, 12 assists, played out of his mind 1st half of the season then slowed down abit nontheless a really solid perfomance for him.
Ferg 47 goals, 22 assists, major factor in the attack, ralid a wooping 47 goals in a season and helped Misfits get into Division 1.
Mor1 59 goals, 25 assists, an absolute domination in the attack from him, gathered 59 goals making him the Top Goalscorer, breaking both Most Goals in a season and in a match.
Progamer 27 goals, 14 assists, helped a mid tier team in contributing alot of goals for them, solid performance throughout the season.
Tiaa 28 goals, 19 assists, Classic XI wouldn't be the same if he wasn't on the pitch, really strong perfomance.

Note that all stats above include 4v4 league + cup.

Apologies for people I have missed out or if I have put players in wrong position etc.


P.S. also big thanks to White and Laki for help