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Div1 DM of the Season

PostPosted: April 14th, 2017, 5:56 am
by MrP
And the nominees are:

Duke - Div1 2nd best Assister. 11 assists, 2 goals and only 19 goals conceded. His partnership with LUKYNO was key to win the league.
Eddie - With 7 goals and 7 assists he was a keyplayer for the fantastic run Klub Emeryta had in the league.
Tortogol - Played DM and AM this season and managed to score 18 goals and 7 assists for Blackout.
Yawn - Decent debut season as DM for him. Scored 6, assisted 3 for Husaria.
Majstor za golove - 6 goals and 9 assist in a very difficult season for the Serbian Haxballerz.

Apologies for people I have missed out or if I have put players in wrong position etc.
