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Season 13 Previews DIV2

PostPosted: July 26th, 2015, 6:45 pm
by MrP

Meh Squirrel:
Also the 2nd season won't be easy for MS and their captain Jovetic, because the team had everything else than a good preparation. The players Floyd Mayweather, Ahmed and kyle left MS and couldn't be replaced properly just in time. So the preparation process is not yet finished for them, after having signed recently new players like DutchPlayer, Occasional, xt9, Tsubasa and Tiki. Just Jovetic and Diesel belong to the team of the last season, plus their core players Browning and cyk. Nevertheless they might surprise the league occasionally and we really wish them good results.
Prediction: 10

"I think MS will be not the last in the league like the before, Jovetic will give captain to Diesel(I hope) and so i can get maybe co captain D: to sign some decent players and maybe this bad team will be a good team hopefully. D: "
"aeRo": and second what are your aims for the season?
"DutchPlayer": To be not last in the league.

Wild Wolves:
The first new team we want to welcome in FM season 13 is WW. However it should be hard to predict their future role in division 2, because there are a bunch of strong middle class teams present. Nevertheless we might expect them to surprise the league with their experienced bosnian players Muris, Gervinho, Falcao or the italian Naser, including some unknown players such as LeLouch, Lamperouge, bananana, Sterling or Atomik. Furthermore there are some rumours, whether they are going to sign some additional good players, who will strengthen WW and in the end the entire league once more.
Prediction: 7-9

"1) This is our first season here in FM and we will do the best we can. Our aim at the moment is the top4 and eventhough there very good teams in this 2nd division, I think we can reach it. We are sure that we can show some good plays in this great league and we'll try to get that top4.
2) As I told there are good teams, but I think the ones who just joined the league are favoured. I'm talking about Los Santos and Dream Destroyers. They are both great and on my opinion they will do better than the others in our division, reaching the 1st div."

The 2nd new team in FM Canucks is directed by the czech captain skinny. This mainly eastern european team includes a lot of newcomers in FM, who still should not be underrated. They managed to recruit Forsbi as GK and if he will show up, he could be one of the key players in their defense. Their defense at all could play an important role in general for their success, provided by Canucks defenders ΛΞM, 666 Shamway and PoMpeJ. The attack should be carried by their captain skinny, Insane and the hungarian FM veteran Varela, who recently joined and might improve them with his experience. New players have been signed recently as well, so we have to see how they are going to play with each other.
Prediction: 7-9

" Well...We want to train 3def stype bcs of Champions league...Also we want have fun, bcs we are very good friend IRL and we enjoy playing haxball together... However we want still win as many matches as we can and maybe be dark horse of the league... And 666 want to be the league Top Scorer, so be aware of it!"

The oldest remaining FM team had to face some difficulties in the past season in division 2, after they got relegated from division 1 in the season before. We hope that both captains Jds and Twigg will have a more successful season 13, also because some players such as buh, HCAF and Dalone have left Ajhax. Anyway we are confident that they will deal yet another time with this situation. Even more problematic could be the loss of their goalkeeper kexas, who will be replaced by Wesc and swifter. Additionally they signed the ukrainian veteran ptichka in order to improve the defense and Yawn for the offense. However we expect them to play a better season than before, because their roster is still balanced enough to face all possible issues. Nevertheless Ajhax has to get rid of their inconsistency. Hopefully players like gado, sparegoal, splash, Aitor and Twigg can cope with the required responsibility.
Prediction: 7-9

"we want to build a nice team but expect us to do a typical ajhax"

The spanish team of captain Kalajan is already going to play its 5th FM season and has shown once more that they are a competitive team. Their main strength could be their consistency, because they don't change their roster that much. Just the israeli Smurf has left them, but he was no core player in the past season anyway. So they don't need too much preparation time at all, because their team is well composed and this should be already an advantage for them. The key player of FAT seems to be the team. No matter if Kalajan, iNSZ, Klose, Lapize, Deco or Carvajal are going to play, they will surely make a good job and collect a lot of points for spain.
Prediction: 4-6

"I think will be the best season for us, cause we keep the team, every important players, we know each other.
And we will win the league, and lapize will be topscorer and topassistant hahaha"

Republik Rübistan:
The only relegated team of season 12 is the renamed team Republik Rübistan, formerly known as TuT. The squad of the young, athletic, with an affinity to music captain Hernandez will try all to promote again to division 1. This couldn't be that easy, because their superstar aeRo left them after unsuccessful salary negotiations and the competition in division 2 is really strong at all. However they recruited the experienced player Jappo and the finnish striker salamini, who should challenge the other attackers and improve the team. The current roster is small, so we maybe expect them to sign more players, what should balance their team more and creates a competitive environment inside of the team. If the new players are instantly improving them and the other players Datacrash, Sero07, Ayla and Hernandez can keep their current level, then Rebuplik Rübistan is definitely a team to watch out.
Prediction: 3-6

" 1) Our aim is to promote to the first division again, we promoted once already and became better now and with a bit more luck and activity we would have stayed in first division. We got nice players on every position, and with enough activity we should be able to reach our aim.
2) The 2nd division is really balanced, but our rivals are mainly the new teams. Tallawahs, inglorious Turtles, Dream Destroyers and Los Santos will fight for the promotion too, i think Tallawahs got the best team if their good players will play."

The 3rd new FM team is the italian team Tallawahs of captain Entony. Tallawahs can be easily counted as one of the teams that will compete for the promotion, because they have a lot of known and experienced players in their squad. Mainly Reus and Entony are great players in haxball business, who can also make the difference in matches. Additionally they could recruit Ramos from Aston Birra, who will compete with Voodka and surely improve the attack of the Italians. The midfield consisting of MarcoStorari, J. Menez and Di Natale makes a pretty good impression, too. So we expect them to have a great season in FM.
Prediction: 1-4

"1) I think this season will be a greats season, its the first time for me in this league, but I have seen ,since the fun cup ,which is very competitive and certainly will be interesting.
2) i dont like to propose aims, I do my best in every game.. but the other members of the team wants absolutely to win the league and to do a good position in the cup"

Inglorious Turtles:
Inglorious Turtles have shown already that they can compete with the top teams in division 2 and almost promoted to division 1 in the past season. That's why we think that the promotion must be their primary aim for the upcoming season. iT recruited the dutch top striker stefan quite early and iT fans can already look forward to see the british players vaqq and UKOriginal + the polish newcomer Bieniu. On the other hand they lost the three italians zabuza, shimizu and gomezz, which shouldn’t be really a problem, as they didn't play an important part for the team anyway in the last season. The new players plus their captain Arango, one of the best DM of season 12, the top GK Blazing and a promising Tehmonstah should be competitive enough to play for the promotion as well. Additionally they are carried by their players Salty and Rellik , who are serious candidates for the starting four, too.
Prediction: 1-4

"1) Our team is very ambitious and we're always looking to perform as best as we can. This means that we're looking to go for the Division 2 Trophy and maybe even the FM Cup, depending on how things go in the early stages. Aside from that, we have some less quantitative team aims for the season such as developing some chemistry within the team; creating a team with a bunch of players who really look like they want to play alongside each other which should be shown on the pitch. Last season we had a lot of players coming in and out of the team, but we really want to create a team with players who could stay in the team for the next few seasons so that we can develop together.
2) There have been a lot of new teams coming in this season actually, and I didn't see some of these teams coming [then again, I'm not really up to date on a lot of these newer players]. I can't speak for some of these newer teams, but I'm pretty sure that at least one of them could turn out to be a surprise package, potentially challenging for the Division 2 Title. However, we still have some of the more experienced teams such as Turnup Turnips, who have just been relegated from Division 1 last season and will be looking to get back up there again. Ajhax have also been looking pretty solid and have kept quite a good foundation to build upon their team, and maybe that could be vital to their success. I believe that it's important to keep some sort of foundation within the team for some stability, which helps the team to grow. I think that Turnup
- Turnips will be the main title contenders, with some great defensive players namely Hernandez and Sero. They all seem to like to play alongside each other on the pitch and that really shows when you can see their chemistry. Division 2 is all about defending really; you can see in the previous seasons that the teams who performed well in Division 2 started from the back in defence and then built their way up in attack such as Elite.
- Also, Los Santos seems to have some great players in Chro, DaN, Yannex, Eddie and CRonaldo. They could be one of the best newer teams and I think they'll also be contending for the title this season. It's just a matter of them developing chemistry and team-work within their squad, which can be a problem for the newer teams.
- [Sorry, I kind of went back to talking about TuT halfway through when I noticed that I was going off-topic a bit]"

Dream Destroyers:
Next to the last new team we want to present Dream Destroyers, managed by the czech captain CvRk. This team consists entirely of czech players, but we don’t want to forget the legendary player from Slovakia Drew Barnaby. They should be without any doubt one of the favourite teams for the promotion slots. DD played a quite successful preseason cup and their team looks really promising. They managed to recruit the GK poraon from E69, who is well experienced on Big stadium, since he could win as main goalie the title in your-esports already. The same applies for CvRk, KEANU and Roman by the way, while Roman could be considered as their key player. Too bad for DD that he is sleeping all day and might miss a lot of matches. Anyway they added recently the DM MartYK and with the oldschool player KAPPA their midfield looks really strong. The team is completed with their strikers Tayk and Melda, both two really talented and good players. So all in all their team is well balanced with a lot of experienced hax veterans and some new motivated faces. We predict DD to play for the title in division 2.
Prediction: 1-3

"1) we want to win the 2nd division ^^
2) I think Tallawahs and Los Santos will be really strong opponents in 2nd div, they have some well-known and experienced players and they showed their skills also in pre-season funcup
- about 1st div., I am pretty sure YeS Allstars will dominate there. "

Los Santos:
Los Santos, the preseason cup winner of season 13, is definitely one of the top favourites for the title in division 2. The team of the captains Hazard and Gotze really impressed in the preseason cup and managed to beat the division 2 winner YeS AllStars in the final. If LS can keep their current shape, it will be really difficult to beat them. The full power offense by DaN and Hazard is supported by their strong offensive midfield with Chro, Terquila and the current HCL champion Yannex. Paulo Ferreira and both GKs Dayrex and Gotze are completing their roster and for sure they will play a successful season. They have loads of good players what makes their squad really balanced, so no lineup issues are expected. However they recently even signed another HCL winner with the belgian allrounder CRonaldo and the turkish DM Eddie. So their roster looks now really impressive and if they can keep all keys players, they should promote quite easily.
Prediction: 1-3

"Gotze": we will try hard go 1st
"aeRo": who do you think your main rivals will be?
"Gotze": DD AND TA
"aeRo": and who would you say are your strongest players?
"Gotze": yannex
"Gotze": terquila

Thanks to Fritz for translating, aero for interviews and hannes for technical support.
Good luck for every team in FM Season13!!!