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Special 'Post Match' Interview- StringerBell!

PostPosted: April 6th, 2015, 4:08 pm
by Swift
Here's a special interview with StringerBell, who left iT yesterday after their 4-0 defeat to FATALITY! (he didn't know he was being interviewed :D)

- Hi stringer :)

- hi

- So are you coming back to iT?

- i'm quitting hax and captaincy, too much work

- Because you lost?

- Nah, I was always gonna quit, I decided on Friday

- But you quit straight after you lost, it's a bit coincidental eh?

- I decided I would quit after the Fatality game

- Would you have quit if you won the game?

- I think so

- How did you lose so badly?!

- 4 mistakes, we played better than them.

- The best team lost 4-0? That's funny ain't it?

- Nope, I don't find it funny at all..

- You sound angry, seems as if you raged from the team

- I dont care ;)

- So who will be the new captain of iT?

- diehard

If you don't believe me about knowing im quitting before the match, you can ask Twigg, I told him!

Why would you quit at such an early stage, especially when you said to me 'iT are going to be promoted'?

- too much work....

- Whats up with all the curiosity?

- dw, last question for you now, who do you think is better iT or Fatality?

- I refuse to answer

-hm ok, well thanks for interviewing with me Stringer, good luck in the future!


5 minutes later....

- wait, was that an actual interview?

- Yes it was! :)

Thanks stringer :)

stringer gave me permission to post it after @ admins