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LEAGUE - Thursday 21st November

PostPosted: November 21st, 2013, 8:26 pm
by dooms
21st Nov L1 #DEJA vs TI SPARTA!
21st Nov L1 h0bA vs Overdose [PLAYED]
21st Nov L1 Starlights vs IKEA Deutschland
21st Nov L1 Yellow Wolves vs Pablo Haxobar

21st Nov L2 ACDP vs Ajhax [PLAYED]
21st Nov L2 Oreo HC vs Game of Thrones
21st Nov L2 Seedstitch vs Mighty Ducks
21st Nov L2 The Real RocknRolla vs HC Pizza

Code: Select all
Please post in this format -
FT -
HT -
Rec -
Goalscorers -
Extra Information -

Put a * next to a goal that should be in gotw. (please do it for the opponents aswell pls!)

Re: LEAGUE - Thursday 21st November

PostPosted: November 21st, 2013, 8:29 pm
by mlfaijati
FT - 2-0
HT - 0-0
Rec -
Goalscorers - [10:10] Stevo (Casper07) [13:48] Casper07 (mlfaijati)***
Extra Information - Helios is cbb.

Re: LEAGUE - Thursday 21st November

PostPosted: November 21st, 2013, 8:40 pm
by s.signorelli
Seeds 2-1 Mighty Ducks (2-0)

1-0 1:23 Tortogol (Javier)
2-0 6:35 Devil (Javier) ***
12:00 **HAGI'S MISS**
2-1 14:37 Kokolol (Hagi) ************** (cost me 300 points in the prediction competition :x :x )

Re: LEAGUE - Thursday 21st November

PostPosted: November 21st, 2013, 9:20 pm
by Love Asia
#DEJA vs TI SPARTA! 4-5 (FT)
#DEJA vs TI SPARTA! 2-3 (HT)

1-0 dooms 1:14
1-1 Love London 1:57
1-2 Rooney1878 (iNoob) 4:25
2-2 dooms (rising) 4:57
2-3 iNoob (Rooney1878) 08:40* (maybe)
3-3 wub (jonnyynnoj) 22:02
4-3 wub 34:52
4-4 Love London (i guess, it was going in anyway :P) 35:08
4-5 Love London (iNoob) 35:40

Crazy game ^.^

Re: LEAGUE - Thursday 21st November

PostPosted: November 21st, 2013, 9:25 pm
by naby
Starlights 1:1 IKEA Deutschland (0:1)

03:35 - dunno OG
16:00 - Rami (fap)

Re: LEAGUE - Thursday 21st November

PostPosted: November 21st, 2013, 9:26 pm
by Norbii
Oreo HC vs Game of Thrones

first half:
04:48 - VArela ¤18¤
08:38 - saga (VArela ¤18¤)
8:45 - Krasic (Jhart)

second half:

8:20 - Pain

Re: LEAGUE - Thursday 21st November

PostPosted: November 22nd, 2013, 12:36 am
by huub
Pablo haxobar-Yellow Wolves

HT 0-0
FT 1-0

1st half
2nd half

Supreme (Wiiii) 1-0 7:15 2nd rec

Re: LEAGUE - Thursday 21st November

PostPosted: November 24th, 2013, 10:57 pm
by Chillmaz
h0bA 1-0(1-0) Overdose


Rec -

1st Half:
1-0 Dave 5:05

2nd Half:

Re: LEAGUE - Thursday 21st November

PostPosted: December 1st, 2013, 11:16 pm
by Maddude
ACDP V Ajhax 4-1 (lag goal from each side so not counting them) HT 4-1

1st half:

1:08 1-0 Psykout (Maddude)
4:10 2-0 Psykout
4:38 3-0 Psykout (Grizzlykitten)
7:26 4-0 Jiminy Cricket OG
9:57 4-1 erf/Mad OG

2nd half: