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SeedStitch vs Memphis

PostPosted: December 9th, 2012, 9:04 pm
by AM-99
SeedStitch vs Memphis

Memphis turn up 20 minutes late, we could of took a defwin which we were going to, but decided not to, we then proceeded on to playing in the 1st half with krasic in the middle of the game banning 1 of our subs (orel). At HT it was 1-1 and we had to re-make room because of krasic being an idiot, 2nd half comes and it then goes 2-1, they try make a sub during the game (not when a goal been scored) so we said no, but they unpaused so we kicked their player trying to play then krasic banned us all.
we had 30 secs left to play as well, game ended 3-1,admins pls do somet, krasic is killing the league with his childish behaviour.

Replay is here:,
He banned me so thats all I have.
First half :

I personally think we should get a 2-1 as our players scored and a def win will = loss of stats etc.

Re: SeedStitch vs Memphis

PostPosted: December 10th, 2012, 1:14 pm
by socrates
Yeah it should be 2-1 imo. Unless anyone has any objections stat the game as usual and I'll submit the result as 2-1.

But I'd like to remind Seedstitch to treat their opponents with respect and to never be rude or unpleasant to their opponents. This is something I personally feel very strongly about as I want everyone to enjoy playing in our league. Treat this as a warning and expect match bans in future if it happens again.

Re: SeedStitch vs Memphis

PostPosted: December 10th, 2012, 5:34 pm
by Constantinople
Maybe in future games there should be a match referee (a trusted member of the community watching the game to make sure nothing wrong happens) in each game. It's done in other leagues such as in FEH for example. Rule breakings from both parties tbh.

Re: SeedStitch vs Memphis

PostPosted: December 10th, 2012, 6:46 pm
by Maddude
A good idea Hesur that we did implement in our old system, however now with more matches it is harder to get enough willing people to do this. Also most people will be playing their matches at the same time so another reason why it is hard to do this.

Any rule breakings etc should be appealed for after, such as the way AM did, however in this case both teams were pretty bad and naughty and soc will spank them dw.