just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

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just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby gio » June 27th, 2022, 3:27 pm

I'm playing this game since 2k12, i've played every haxball leagues like Your-EsportS for example and more. Never cheating, never trying macro or things like this and who knows me can confirm that.

I stopped play Haxball when it switched from FLASH to HTML because it was really shit gameplay but i still back playing that game and i adapted myself to this new haxball meta, reaching still good result and good skill too in this shit gameplay.

But now this game is shit, how can TURKISH AND ROMANIANS (they're the most abuser players actually) do all those things with 180 extraplation, doing really STRONG SHOT and never miss a shot) LIKE THIS:
https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/ ... 82/amp.gif (i'm sorry if i'm using aMp as example for this, he's good guy but idk if it's possible they never miss a shot and never miss flashes)

WHILE me with 80 extrapolation everytime i try to shot, i do fcking slow shit shots even i press in good timing and i press strong [sometimes i miss it like a bot while i press] LIKE THIS: https://media.discordapp.net/attachment ... 82/gio.gif
? Just because with this hack even if u have 180 200 or more extra, the game will looks like u have 0.

You will now understand why most of turkish players and actually Romania, supermazhine and others have been good players in this shit html, we're all good with automatic fake x and having the gameplay like having 0 extrapolation while u have 200 ^^

- Enjoy their haxball hacks: https://gaxball.com/ - who understand a little what are those cheats, will understand what i mean;

nb: i'm not crying for something, we still win for example fear even if we play forfun and just official with friends, but i just want show community that u're not bad and they aren't better than u, they just cheat in a 2d browser game

Thanx everyone for read this,
gio / Reus :D
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby BullHax27 » June 27th, 2022, 3:35 pm

I want to add this Turk.


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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby aMp » June 27th, 2022, 3:44 pm

Ok so first of all I am fine no worries with the example and I am fine if anyone wants to check my computer or filles or w.e

I honestly am not using it and noone from my team is using it because we are also playing for fun that was the reason why we lost vs you in Feed Me bcz we came only to the game meanwhile your team (not saying you did) played fs from 19CET till the gametime which its fine nothing is wrong

The cheat you send its not about playing with 200 extra and you see smooth or smth and its about that if for example I have 98 extrapolation everyone else will see me as 200 extrapolation that means I will be seen shaky from players with 70+ extrapolation

The cheat wasn't created long time ago a friend of mine saw this link on publics some weeks ago and he ofcourse check it and saw what it is about

We keep it private and send it only to admins because we don't want more players to have it or reach it because as we know noone will get banned

As you have problems with some players like Owned who got banned 3 4 times in feed me / ILH because of macro and aswell as Hakut who got once banned on feed me you can't prove that we ROMANIANS are using it

I honestly don't give a shit about turks (sorry I am just honest) but as I defended hakut when he got reported for macro I will defend romanians for this

As I said you can check anyone from FEAR / Romanians anytime you want the files we have or just to come in our computer as you know hakut is livestreaming or playing with video on cuz he doesn't want to have problems about macro / 200+ extra again as he used to have

Why do you think I send it to enzo? You think if we used it we would have show to others about it? It doens't make any sense tbh

Thanks for reading and understanding my point of view if you have any question feel free to ask me on teamspeak
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby Hakut » June 27th, 2022, 4:54 pm

Well if you can add extrapolation by game settings and is a game feature idk what is the problem, you just have to adapt :bounce: :bounce:
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby Clinical Striker » June 27th, 2022, 9:20 pm

I'm not here to defend Turks or Romanians. If anyone uses any kind of hacks in this pointless game (which is without income if you don't play for certain people) (I also did it in the past I'm not blaming anyone) they deserve to be treated like shit.

With that being said, even if you're my friend and I really like you as a person Gio, I think you're wrong on this. Amp plays with 12 pings. Of course, he is able to strongly shoot the ball. I can't even get 12 pings in Turkish hosts like I always get 20 or 22. It's easy to do what he does in that ping. So naturally, he has some advantage over the rest of us and that's okay.

Turkish players have always been good in this game, they adapt and adjust to everything, safe to say it's the most successful nation in Haxball. The reason is we (as a nation) train the fuck out of this game. And Romanians weren't always this good, if you take Fear out of the equation you're left with bad-tier teams in Romania. The reason Fear and its players are good is that they also train and have fun playing together. If you train hard enough you can hit strong balls in 160-170 extrapolation as well. I'm also an old player, I can't even play well in HTML. But if I do a shit shot instead of a strong shot, I blame myself. Because I know I'm capable of doing the strongest shots when I'm playing with 165 extrapolations and I have so many records of me hitting strong shots with that extra.

I don't think Romanians (Fear) use any kind of hacks, Turkish community is far more crowded so I can't speak on behalf of every Turk, probably we have some hackers in our community.

I disagree with what you said and I don't think sharing the link for the hack is a good thing but I need to say a couple more stuff to the hackers.

If you're in need of hacking in this game you should get help. Haxball is a very competitive game and it's the sole reason for lots of old players' coming back to play this game. And if you beat your opponents by hacking, without being in the same level, you're not even enjoying the game. If there was any sort of income in this game I would understand you hacking but you're simply ruining the one good aspect of this game: competitiveness. Fuck everyone who uses these stuff.
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby gio » June 27th, 2022, 9:30 pm

I know what u mean bro but trust me, the hack is been created from a turkish guy and i think 60% of turkish players use it, you can see from how they move in game. We see them like they got 140 or more extra while they see them with 30 extrapolation, just watch link i gave and u will understand how they do this fast tricks, it's not about training or enjoying game, but it's cheat.

If you're in need of hacking in this game you should get help. Haxball is a very competitive game and it's the sole reason for lots of old players' coming back to play this game. And if you beat your opponents by hacking, without being in the same level, you're not even enjoying to play the game. If there was any sort of income in this game I would understand you hacking but you're simply ruining the one good aspect of this game: competitiveness. Fuck everyone who uses these stuff.

100% agree.
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby hxgd » June 27th, 2022, 9:51 pm

Gio you talk without knowing anything.

I am the original founder of this hack. Gaxball is not my website, that website is owned by Galvan (israeli guy). He wanted that hack from me, I trusted him and I give him and now he started to sell (lmao). I don't care who uses this hack or not, it's useless. You can ask Marble, Supermazhine, Hulk. These are the ones that tested this cheat and it's not good. We even fucking lose to Romanians while Hulk was using it in FS lol. So trust me it's a shit hack. It's only making game harder for high extrapolation retards. So if you are high extra braindead player, keep cryin about this hack. If you have low exp like me, you don't even see people who uses this hack as shaky. So what's the problem? Don't abuse extrapolation then?

Also as a Turkish I use 40 extrapolation and majority of good Turkish players are using low extrapolation nowadays (like ROCKY, Altidore, Kyrai, Norb, Vicho etc. all less than 70 extrapolation) . Of course there is some people abusing extrapolation in our country but nowadays extrapolation players are so bad (except Misaj) because skillcap of the game has evolved and now everyone is pro so low extrapolation is advantage against high extrapolation players.

Anyway, also I want to mention something, you don't see game as 0 extrapolation with that hack. It's technically not possible. What this cheat does is fucking up your inputs by changing game's prediction system and when you do that, other people see you shaky a lot (more simple way to say is: when you put you 30 extra you are not shaky like 150 right?, so this cheat making you shaky with 30 extrapolation that's the only thing) So with this you can play 10 extrapolation and still do fake x like 200 extrapolation. But you can't do corner, you can't do good lift because the hack makes your inputs fucked so everyone see you shaky INCLUDING YOUR TEAMMATES, so it's a BIG DISADVANTAGE actually. All you do is being fast and doing retarded fake x while %90 of the time your teammates also getting juked by your fake x. So this cheat is basically a shit. As the original founder of this, if that was a good and gamechanging thing I could use it and don't tell everyone, but as you can see a lot of people have it. So tldr this cheat doesn't give you any advantage. If you don't trust my words as me being developer of this cheat, then you can just waste your time by blaming extrapolation and unrelated stuff.

If you are looking for hackers, blame extrapolation abusers like nik, karim, eri, levitan, navien, espierre, supermazhine, misaj, whole israel and many more. Extrapolation is the biggest hack in this game and if you are looking for someone blame extrapolation abusers.

So final words: Whoever wants to use this hack. Don't. It's shit and useless. And you will waste your money. That's all I can say. If that was a good one, you or anyone wouldn't know that this exist since beginning.

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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby DiMiliano » June 27th, 2022, 9:56 pm

Punisher wrote:Gio you talk without knowing anything.

I am the original founder of this hack. Gaxball is not my website, that website is owned by Galvan (israeli guy). He wanted that hack from me, I trusted him and I give him and now he started to sell (lmao). I don't care who uses this hack or not, it's useless. You can ask Marble, Supermazhine, Hulk. These are the ones that tested this cheat and it's not good. We even fucking lose to Romanians while Hulk was using it in FS lol. So trust me it's a shit hack. It's only making game harder for high extrapolation retards. So if you are high extra braindead player, keep cryin about this hack. If you have low exp like me, you don't even see people who uses this hack as shaky. So what's the problem? Don't abuse extrapolation then?

Also as a Turkish I use 40 extrapolation and majority of good Turkish players are using low extrapolation nowadays (like ROCKY, Altidore, Kyrai, Norb, Vicho etc. all less than 70 extrapolation) . Of course there is some people abusing extrapolation in our country but nowadays extrapolation players are so bad (except Misaj) because skillcap of the game has evolved and now everyone is pro so low extrapolation is advantage against high extrapolation players.

Anyway, also I want to mention something, you don't see game as 0 extrapolation with that hack. It's technically not possible. What this cheat does is fucking up your inputs by changing game's prediction system and when you do that, other people see you shaky a lot (more simple way to say is: when you put you 30 extra you are not shaky like 150 right?, so this cheat making you shaky with 30 extrapolation that's the only thing) So with this you can play 10 extrapolation and still do fake x like 200 extrapolation. But you can't do corner, you can't do good lift because the hack makes your inputs fucked so everyone see you shaky INCLUDING YOUR TEAMMATES, so it's a BIG DISADVANTAGE actually. All you do is being fast and doing retarded fake x while %90 of the time your teammates also getting juked by your fake x. So this cheat is basically a shit. As the original founder of this, if that was a good and gamechanging thing I could use it and don't tell everyone, but as you can see a lot of people have it. So tldr this cheat doesn't give you any advantage. If you don't trust my words as me being developer of this cheat, then you can just waste your time by blaming extrapolation and unrelated stuff.

If you are looking for hackers, blame extrapolation abusers like nik, karim, eri, levitan, navien, espierre, supermazhine, misaj, whole israel and many more. Extrapolation is the biggest hack in this game and if you are looking for someone blame extrapolation abusers.

Imagine creating a hack for haxball and being proud of it
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby hxgd » June 27th, 2022, 10:00 pm

DiMiliano wrote:Imagine creating a hack for haxball and being proud of it

Did I say I am proud? Just clearing the situation. This Italians are spreading false information.
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby DiMiliano » June 27th, 2022, 10:12 pm

Punisher wrote:
DiMiliano wrote:Imagine creating a hack for haxball and being proud of it

Did I say I am proud? Just clearing the situation. This Italians are spreading false information.

Imo if I was in your situation I wouldn't say this is my hack, thats what ive meant.
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby hxgd » June 27th, 2022, 10:18 pm

DiMiliano wrote:
Imo if I was in your situation I wouldn't say this is my hack, thats what ive meant.

I say this because people is gonna believe everything they hear. This hack is useless, and gives you a DISADVANTAGE. And stop blaming aMp or Romanians or any Turk. No one is using it except the people who bought that shit from Gaxball site.

<01:08:35> You poked "^aMp^1" with message: LOOL
<01:08:49> You poked "^aMp^1" with message: They think that hack is really advantage lol while its shit af
<01:09:03> "^aMp^1" pokes you: IKR XD
<01:09:10> "^aMp^1" pokes you: I ve laugh so much with them on mic ngl
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby Navien » June 27th, 2022, 10:35 pm

Punisher wrote:If you are looking for hackers, blame extrapolation abusers like nik, karim, eri, levitan, navien, espierre, supermazhine, misaj, whole israel and many more. Extrapolation is the biggest hack in this game and if you are looking for someone blame extrapolation abusers.

i thought you were a tv series, i didnt know there was a haxball player like this name :bounce:
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby brakka » June 27th, 2022, 10:38 pm

omg navien we are extrapolation abusers omgggg :ooo
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby gio » June 27th, 2022, 10:39 pm

btw this cheat isn't an advantage? did u see in youtube video which fake x they do? LOL are x2 easier than how we do and faster, and u dont miss them like happen to normal player when they try fake x and they shoot the ball not on purpose.
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby gio » June 27th, 2022, 10:40 pm


So final words: Whoever wants to use this hack. Don't. It's shit and useless. And you will waste your money. That's all I can say. If that was a good one, you or anyone wouldn't know that this exist since beginning.

Yeah. really useless.
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby hxgd » June 27th, 2022, 10:42 pm

gio wrote:https://giphy.com/gifs/gj8GZLj2JLBpZlzY85

So final words: Whoever wants to use this hack. Don't. It's shit and useless. And you will waste your money. That's all I can say. If that was a good one, you or anyone wouldn't know that this exist since beginning.

Yeah. really useless.

Bro that's what I am saying... Only fake X. Nothing else. What you gonna do? Do fake x 14 minutes straight? You cant give good backpass, you can't do corner, you can't do good lift. That's why its not useful. You don't even feel like original haxball. Controlling player is so different.

And in this clip you are playing with high ping and high extrapolation. I don't see any cheats, this is how game looks on peoples screen when they have 60-70 ping with 200 extrapolation.
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby gio » June 27th, 2022, 10:46 pm

yeah only fake x, that's why turkish are only good in fake x, coz most of them use this hack :d

The gif is made by B ull that use just 90 extra and look what his opponent did ^^
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby hxgd » June 27th, 2022, 10:53 pm

gio wrote:yeah only fake x, that's why turkish are only good in fake x, coz most of them use this hack :d

The gif is made by B ull that use just 90 extra and look what his opponent did ^^

Okay there is no need to talk anymore with you since you started to talk bullshit. Yeah every turk is using this hack bro... All the trophies should be revoked. Even Turkish ISP's send this hack when they see some turk join haxball. Ye bro, is good now? Are you happy? Wow turks are so bad... Cheaters... Italians are the real talent. Enzo go brrr

Also people shared hacks in this forum back in the days. How fast you forget mr gio?


btw in that gif you two are playing in turkish host. it was yesterday morning I join that room for 3v3 but there was not enough players. Both of u had 100 ping why you even lying?
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby aMp » June 27th, 2022, 11:01 pm

Atleast the Italians saw today that I am not using shit xd and also Punisher you can share some chats with Eri when he wanted the cheat so he doesn't speak bullshit anymore ^_^
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Re: just a topic about haxball cheats nowadays

Postby hxgd » June 27th, 2022, 11:03 pm

aMp wrote:Atleast the Italians saw today that I am not using shit xd and also Punisher you can share some chats with Eri when he wanted the cheat so he doesn't speak bullshit anymore ^_^

1 month ago eri writed to me about the hack and asked for it. 2 access 1 For him and 1 for nik. Both of them write to me. I said no and now he is talking bullshit. And 1 week later we are in voice chat he is saying me "punisherrr bro i need some hacks man im so slow give me something like hacks"

ahhaha all hypocrites
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