Season 22 Previews

Season 22 Previews

Postby Herna » May 10th, 2018, 7:59 pm

Season 22 started last sunday and with a bit of delay it's time for the previews!

With the change to HTML5 as new format we got something new for FM and it will be interesting to see if it will affect the performance of the teams. Captain of current champions The Greys' captain Falk mentioned in the Forum that "the top teams and players will stay at the top", no matter which format the league is played on. As title holders The Greys are the ones to be challenged by the league, so we will directly start with the preview for them!


The Greys


Unique, TIAGO, Sven Bender, Duke
irvi, robu, Tortogol

Tortogol is the only important player who left The Greys, but all of their signings bring experience and skill to their line-up, which will give them more depth.

Predicted Line-Up:
GQKU - Falk - Vak - Unique

Falk also mentioned that they like to vary their line-up with players as Hulk, AKR, Duke and so on, which totally makes sense with the depth of their roster.

The Greys' philosophy:
Falk: "Win."

+ Falk: "I can say for sure no one is as good as us when it comes to team gameplay."

For outsiders it might be easy to play as good and fast as Falk's team does, but for sure their chemistry the game style Falk likes is what can set them apart from other teams.

+ As mentioned they have really much skill depth in their roser,

- Falk: "I would say mentally focused we are not there yet"

- With GQKU being unreliable in the past it often seemed as they would have a problem on the GK-position, but they were able to catch it up easily by just putting another player on there.

The captain's prediction:
Falk: "We will win the league with ease again."

Interview with Falk:
After getting 2nd for two seasons your team finally managed to become FM champions. What went better this season than before?

Falk: "You know... at some point I just had enough and tried to develop a team who shared my vision and goals and then i told myself to only recruit those who could demonstrate my core values and sought behaviours. There was no quick fix but appointing the right people helped me communicate and set goals to achieve it in the long run.

Do you think that doing it again this season will be even harder?

Falk: "In my opinion, yes. The level of divison 1 got bit lower than last season and because of that it won't be that hard for teams like KE and Angry bulls to win easy points throughout the end of the season. So being extremely consistent and not lose any unnecessary points will honestly determine who wins the league this season."


I asked every division 1 captain for their 3 favourites to win the title this season. While The Greys were named by every captain, there were two other teams that were mentioned by nearly everyone: Klub Emeryta and Angry Bulls, who both also were part of the top 3 last season.
Klub Emeryta dominated the league in 2nd leg, and only their bad start brought them behind The Greys in the table. That they won all of their last 13 league matches shows their good form, but it won't be as easy this season.


Klub Emeryta

CvRk, Unique, MARBLE, Mamba, Yannex

We can see that 4 really skilled strikers and one of their core players CvRk, who decided to make his own team, left the team. As replacement for the DM position they signed Rosemary.

Predicted Line-up:

Pringles/Per- Rosemary - aguero10 - ANDREÀ

Eventhough a lot of good players left them, we can see they still have one of the best players on each position.

+ kojo: "Our strengh is for sure attack. We scored the most goals in league last edition."

Eventhough a lot of good strikers left the team, aguero10 and ANDREÀ will make sure their attack will be one of the best in this season again for sure.

+ Pringles is for sure one of the top GKs of the league right now and with captain kojo himself and Per they have good backups for this important position.

- kojo: "our weakness is changing lineups during league, like it was in last editions"

Compared to The Greys for example they have a much thinner line-up, which will make it hard to perform well consistently.

- It's still questionable if they will be able to do as good as they did in 2nd leg last season, as the core of their team with Rosemary on DM joined new to the team.

The captain's predicition:
kojo: "Top 3"


Angry Bulls

Jordão, NÔVA
Sven Bender, Juan Mata, TIAGO, Fréas, Identical

The remaining portuguese players are gone, the team is full turkish now. I don't really know much about the turkish players who left and joined, but im sure they are all quite good. The most important players stayed anyway, so the team for sure won't be worse.

Predicted Line-up:
Jordao - Misaj - ES Pierre - Mülléwa

Angry Bulls' philosophy:
E.S Pierre: "When your dreams end , our reality begins."

+ E.S Pierre: "We have a experienced players , in the attack we can find too much positions and in defence we can defending really nice."

This might not really tell much, but it's probably the truth. Last season their defense and attack both were good, nothing of it exceptional. Their players are experienced, the team already won the HCL twice.

- E.S Pierre: "Actually we have a weakness, we can not play fs, we have not a much time for warm-up."

This is probably one thing that sets them apart from for example The Greys. Still the players know each other so well that the chemistry shouldnt take really much damage from it.

The captain's prediction:
E.S Pierre: "We wanna be leader of the league , and i hope we will."

Short interview with the top assister and voted 2nd best dm of last season, Misaj:
Most people see you as one of the favourites for the title this season. Last season you only reached the 3rd place after a really good start though. What will be better this season?
Misaj: "Last season our team name wasn't Angry Bulls and we didn't take the league seriously because of that. We didn't play fs actually , we didn't have much time for warm-up and we didn't play with the same line-up. We had no goalkeeper in our team last season but now HCL is started and we will play fs for warm-up to hcl i hope. Now our team name is Angry Bulls , so this season we will play to become champion of the league."


Another team that was mentioned for having chances to win the title are QuickSwans. Getting a comfortable 6th place last season after their promotion to division 1, they signed some players that make them an insider tip.


Isco, Ashléy, Skinny, Yannex, Pelé
kot, Alekos, Gimenez20

The signings of the israelian players Isco and Yannex brings a lot of quality to their line-up. They lost Gimenez20 as GK but signed Skinny instead, who got 8 cleansheets in division 2 last season. Ashléy is another good player, who might replace Alekos on AM/ST position.

Predicted Line-up:
Skinny/Teh/Mish - Isco - Yannex/Allen/Ashley - Allen/MartYK/Ashley/Pele/Anddy/Mish

QuickSwans' philosophy:
Mish: "Attack!!! but problem is we cant score :D :D"

+ Quality players on every position, eventhough they probably don't have the depth of the top teams.

- Mish: "Sometimes GK and sometimes we cant score.... (specially if im ST or GK)"

Their midfield might be one of the best with the israelians, but on GK and ST we dont see the biggest names. Falk said it would be needed to winning consistently this season, but the consistency is what seems to lack in Mish's opinion ("sometimes").

The captain's prediction:
Mish: "Only title nothing more... and Pele as Top Striker"


Noone expects GoodFellas to win the league and i doubt anyone expects them to relegate. They stand for stability and consistency, but examples like Pablo Haxobar show it won't ever work as fine.



Since they joined FM in september 2017 they haven't cut or signed even one player. We know what we can expect from them I guess.

Predicted Line-up:
ox - iks - oez - ins

GoodFellas' philosophy:
iks: "Balance."

+ iks: "we're strong in holding lead scores and we have strong defence."

Everyone who ever played GoodFellas in a league match knows that it's never easy against them. With only 25 goals conceded they had the best defense together with The Greys in the last season.

- iks: "We can't score as much as we wish, distributing ball isn't on good level"

They also scored only 25 goals though, which made them 2nd worst attack in the league.

+/- 7 wins, 7 draws, 8 losses, 25 goals, 25 goals conceded. Consistency and balance in the extreme. If they want to aim for something higher it won't be enough this way.

The captain's prediction:
iks: "We aim to be top 4, the reality says top 6-8."


Mighty Ducks

Jenzo, aeRo, Duke

Not much changing in Mighty Ducks' roster. Those who left weren't really active in the end of the last season and they aren't replaced by anyone. With only 5 active players in their line-up Mighty Ducks continue going the minimalistic way in their roster. Captain Rooney1878 hopes though to sign 1-3 more players.

Predicted Line-up:
Smithyo - huub - SuarezN7 - Rooney1878 / Witsel

Mighty Ducks' philosophy:
Harmony between the players over skill

+ Having not too many players always brings the benefit of the team being well played in together. They were able to keep themselves in division 1 last season with good players on every position, but probably can't aim much higher right now.

- Rooney1878 mentions their inactivity, the thin roster and not being used to HTML5 yet as their main weaknesses.

The captain's prediction:
Rooney1878: "6-10"


Meh Squirrel

jovetic, Jappo, ImpeCabLe, DoInK, Kyrie
Efeh, Knap10, Nexon, Eric Cantonta, Modric, sana ocm, Grose, Ashléy, Celes

The mainly turkish player base from last season is gone after Meh Squirrel came on the 10th position and therefor had to relegate to division 2. Former captain jovetic took over the team again, but because some teams disbanded they play still in division 1. Their new players aren't bad, but for sure they are the underdogs of the league and have to prove themselves first.

Predicted Line-up:
jovetic: "we'll look everyday who is inform and who's not. we have a team with people who can play almost every position so we will look what the best options are on a matchday itself."

Meh Squirrel's philosophy:
jovetic: "A close team where everybody likes each other"

+ jovetic: "We are very good in defending and can score out of nothing."

This is probably also what is needed this season. If they are able to create a solid defense and counter, the chance to stay in the league is always there.


- jovetic: "Our weaknesses are keeping the ball in front and creating chances while passing around."

This probably also means, that conceding just one goal will make it really hard to score for Meh Squirrel.

The captain's prediction:
jovetic: "If we stick to our tactics I am 100% sure that we will be able to stay in division 1."


Now we come to the teams that are new in division 1. Because of disbandings 5 teams promoted and while it might make many people think the division will be weaker, all of the teams deserves to be in division 1 and have nice line-ups. Chimera dominated division 2 last season and won the FM-Cup. This makes them, also in the view of the captains, the 4th favourite for winning the league.



Whimsical, Evilzone

Not too many changes in their roster, but one really important: Whimsical replaces Splat as defensive midfielder.

Predicted Line-up:

Maldo/Hexucho - Whimsical - Whiplash - Alan10/Maddude

Chimeras's philosophy:
Whiplash: "Alan would describe it by saying: 'POGGERS TEAM'"

+ Whiplash: "The strength is the same with the last seasons, winner mentality."

Winning the FM-Cup winnter mentality is one thing theyve proven already, but also in other competitions they already reached top positions.

+ They scored 105 goals in division 2. That's the highest number any team ever scored in one season and the first time a team scored at least 100 goals. Their attack is for sure their biggest weapon.


- Whiplash: "I think our weakness will be playing with a new dm since Splat took a break for a season."

Their DM for sure was a key player, which makes it hard to predict how good they actually are, especially in defense against the strong division 1 teams.

The captain's prediction:

Whiplash: "Top4 for sure, but i cant really see if we end up 1st or 4th to be honest, it is a looooooooooong run."

Interview with Chimera striker ALAN10:
Your team dominated division 2 last season, scoring 105 goals which is more than any team ever scored before. Do you think your attack will be able to do the same to division 1 teams?

ALAN10: "Yeah we scored a lot, it's normal when u play with an offensively strong DM like Splat and Whiplash as AM and i'm confident we'll score a lot of goals this season too, even if the opponents are way stronger"

Splat doesn't play in Chimera anymore this season. Does it hurt your team?

ALAN10: "It hurts my feelings for sure :( But I played with a long list of DMs before splat and i'm very happy about the synergy we are creating with our new DM Whimsical and overall with the new html5 platform so everything will be fine"

You won the cup last season, do you think you are ready to win the league now?

ALAN10: "I dont know if we are already at the level of Angry Bulls and Klub Emeryta because they have amazing players like aguero10, mullewa, misaj just to name a few of them, but for sure we'll fight until the last matchday and we'll try to win the Cup again!"


Trailer Park Penguins

Lokizzh, Necro
Flashin, NaNi

They got two nice new players who will help the team for sure and the core of last season stayed.

Predicted Line-up:

Nocke - CHE - Hannibal/Lokizzh - xSha

Trailer Park Penguins' philosophy:

Nocke: "Playing for fun. Enjoying the game. Laughing while playing."

+ Nocke: "One strength could be that there's a ton of chemistry between us. I don't think we are the best individual players, but that's the purpose of a team, to link up two or more players."

TPP reached the 2nd place last season quite comfortably and surprising with players like Nocke, CHE and xSha who haven't really proven themselves in division 1 before. It really seems to work between the team.

+ Their attack around xSha, who scored with 45 goals the most any player ever scored in division 2, is for sure ready for division 1.

- Nocke: "maybe the fact that we're a new team in division 1. Some of us are here for the first time, but it's not that big of a deal"

The only one with experience in division 1 is AM Hannibal, but also their new signings bring some of it.

- They conceded 43 goals in division 2, a number that shouldn't go much higher when they want to keep playing in division 1.

The captain's prediction:
Nocke: "I can see us being top 5, potentially. Anything below 9th would be a disaster."

Interview with xSha, season 21 division 2 top scorer:
You scored 45 goals in division 2 last season, thats the highest number of goals a player ever scored in one. How many will you be able to score in division 1?

xSha: "Obviously division 1 will be much harder, so I don't expect to get near 45 goals again. I have no idea how much I'll be able to score this season, but i'll set the minimum at 15 goals"

Your team for sure is one of the underdogs of division 1. Will you need to change your playstyle a bit or do you think that your attacking play will bring success in division aswell?

xSha: "We are going to play somewhat the same as last season, but we will keep in mind that we have to be more careful now"

Who will be top scorer in division 1 this season?

xSha: "I expect Müllérsh to be top scorer again this season"



Lakii, Alcazar, lukyno
Yair, Nastasic, L4W

With L4W an important player went back to Nightly Arists, but lukyno and Laki for sure are good replacements.

Predicted Line-up:

fabri4/Alcazar - Returning - Lukyno/Laki - Styl

Bullets' philosophy:
Returning: "I think it will be really aggressive style of the game. Thats our philosophy in this ssn PLAY OFFENSIVE!"

+ Returning: "attack"

Styl is a good counter player, but with their nice midfield that's not really the only thing they are able to do to score goals. They surely have the potential to score a lot.

- Returning: "defense"

They actually had the 2nd best defense in division 2 after Chimera, fabri4 got 8 clean sheets, which were the most (together with three other players). If they plan to play an agressive styl(e) in division 1 though they for sure will get problems in their defense, division 1 teams punish way more mistakes than division 2 teams do.

The co-captain's prediction:
Returning: "I predict top5."


Did you know that FM has 5 polish team captains? There are only more from Germany, where 6 team captains come from. With TuT and Pablo relegating and the two following mainly polish teams promoting there will be 4 of the polish captains in division 1 though, while there's only one from Germany.



Muris 9

Only one simple change in their line-up: Muris 9 will play GK and replace Skinny.

Predicted Line-up:
Muris - Sonido - Gamer - Masa

Galaxity's philosophy:
Gamer: "The main philosophy of most players in Galaxity is 'I would play dm better'"

+ Gamer: "everyone is strongly motivated to win official matches and sometimes it push us to the limits"

Not really a strength as we hope that from most teams, it's quite obvious that their line-up has a lot of potential that wasnt used in division 2. The combination of Sonido and Gamer is well known and feared.

- Gamer: "Our weakness is that we play totaly different styles and we don't understand each other in several types of situations"

Missing chemistry is something that explains the average performance in division 2. They have to improve if they want to keep in division 1, especially their attack was lacking. But they for sure have the potential.

The captain's prediction:
Gamer: "There is high probability that we won't win first division, however as opposed to many predictions i think we will finish in the middle, something like 6th or 7th place. Top 6 would be satisfying enough."



Senders, SAYKO, kane, KROL
Prof MARKUS, Lakii

SAYKO replaces Prof MARKUS as GK. The other players, especially KROL, bring new quality to the team.

Predicted Line-up:
SAYKO - wroz - zPooky - Lord/Senders/KROL

FLAMES' philosophy:
wrozbita: "To win you have to score one more goal than your opponent."


Prof MARKUS was one of the 4 players with most clean sheets in division 2 last season, but it seems like his teammates werent satisfied with it. :p I can't tell if SAYKO is a better goalkeeper, but I think everyone agrees that FLAMES with their captain wrozbita are a team of really high quality and last season everyone expected them to promote. Maybe they were just bored of 2nd division or something.

- wrozbita: "Our biggest weakness is that we often destroy our opponents and we feel bad about it after About our biggest strenght, well, we fear no team, come at us, noobs."

Well yes, this might underline the thesis that they were bored in 2nd division. To be honest it's really hard to predict FLAMES, they could end up anywhere.

- They seem to have a bit too much confidence??????

The captain's prediction:
wrozbita: "TOP1 of course. I don't see that there is any other option."


Now it's time for division 2! We have got 4 new interesting teams in here, some teams where it feels like they play in FM division 2 forever already, and two relegated teams that are happy they can at least play against each other in division 2.

The level in division 2 seems on first view more balanced than at most seasons before. Same as in division 1 I asked the captains for their predictions for the top 3 positions. We have one top favourite for the promotion with OMERTÀ, but will they be able to dominate the league like other teams have done before? Other teams to be predicted to promote are jasko's new team archNemeses, TurnUpTurnips and Nightly Artists. But unlike in division 1 the captains had a hard time predicting the top.

We will start with the two relegated teams. The TurnUpTurnips never played in the same division for more than 2 seasons in over 10 seasons playing in FM. Pablo Haxobar relegated down to the 2nd division for the first time after more than 15 seasons. Do they have chances to promote again?


Yawn, anglo

Booba, who played in attack in the disappointing 2nd leg last season left the team again. With Yawn and anglo two swedish players from disbanded team IFK joined us, probably that's the reason why we are predicted to promote again. Yawn will replace Wiiii, who can't really be active enough.

Predicted Line-up:
Sero07 - Herna - Yawn - Flash/Lee

TurnUpTurnips' philosophy:
Grow Turnips, Grow! I like to have loyal players who try to improve with the team.

+ As seen last season we are able to create a wall in defense that can get cleansheets even against the best teams.

+ Our attack is able to score in nearly every match

- Consistency and activity. When i write above "we are able to create a wall in defense" i imply that most of the times we don't do it. 66 conceded goals last season tell enough. We have to believe in our gameplay, stay calm even if it doesn't go well and im sure it's possible.

- Sero07

The captain's prediction:
I think we will promote again, but it will be hard work.

Interview with Sero07, who has the chance to climb up in the Most Clean Sheets All Time Ranking to the top this season:

Sero07, after playing 2 seasons in division 1 TuT relegated once again. Since they joined the league in season 10, they never spent more than two seasons in the row in the same division . What do you think are the reasons for this?

Sero07: "I think thats hard to say in general. There are always different factors which brings TuT into some sort of Up-and-Down going thing. On a good season we are able to have a good core team which is most of the time very active, everything flows really well, communication is really good and etc. On something which turns into a "bad season" then again its basically often that at some point during a season just something happens. This could be something simple from the team just stops playing often some fs's, over losing a core player for are period of time or just that the whole team is on a bad phase and so on and on. I think if you just take a look at the whole thing over the seaons TuT's biggest problem is consistency. On some days everything seems to be possible while on some other days it feels like TuT would just need a 3rd div for themselfs. I think as soons as TuT is able to get rid of the consistency problems, they will be able to make themselfs stay for a longer period in div 1."

Who will get the most clean sheets in division 2 this season?

Sero07: "I think there are potentially 3-4 gks to get this reward, but in the end of course I hope to obtain the privilege to get the most clean sheets in div 2 this season."


Pablo Haxobar


A GK left, another GK joined.

Predicted Line-up:
Vidalo/socrates - Hannes - socrates/A.Tuntija/MrP - Hawk/A.Tuntija

Pablo Haxobar's philosophy:
MrP: "We TRY to have fun and play some good hax."

+ The players know each other well for a long time. Maybe division 2 is what was needed to get them back on track. From playing with nearly all of them I know that they are able not only to defend, but also to win the matches which is needed to promote again.

- MrP: "our strength is hawk but he cant play in html :("

Seems like they lost a big weapon in attack, but i believe that A.Tuntija is a nice replacement.

- MrP: "our weakness is our skill and unfortunatly our activity. i think these 2 parts are dependent of each other"

Pablo Haxobar doesnt have a way worse team than those who managed to stay in division 1 before, so the skill probably isn't the problem. It seems like they are underperforming for some time, probably the activity is the key to get back on track.

- They conceded the most goals in division 1 and scored the least. They never were known for scoring a lot, but the defense is supposed to be their strength.

The captain's prediction:
MrP: "i can imagine every position between 6-12 for us. All depends on our activity and then we can make it good."

MrP: "Gl to all teams have fun and remember always to play fair."

Short interview with Hannes, DM of Pablo Haxobar:
Hannes, Pablo Haxobar relegated to division 2 after being in division 1 for years and even winning it in season 8. Are you a bit disappointed or what is your feeling about playing in division 2 this season?

Hannes: "I am disappointed with our own performance level we showed last season, we didnt deserve to stay up."

What do you expect from division 2 this season?

Hannes: "i expect a close Div2 and nice matches"


Balls Be Flyin'

Kaya, Ter, StringerBell, Booba

Predicted Line-up:
Browning - Ter - ogre - shimizu

Balls Be Flyin's philosophy:
grünersamt: "Enjoy the game and the time with the team, give your best, and keep the balls be flyin'! "

+ grünersamt: "the team spirit, the will to improve steadily and always to give everything, without losing the fun."

The fact that BBF ended up only 2 points behind FLAMES, who ended up going to division 1, shows that Balls Be Flyin' are truly a contestant for promotion, especially with their new players. It seems to work within the team, they play FS and who knows what can happen.


- grünersamt: "We are too careful in league matches and dont play the game we are able to from FS"

- While their defense was fine, BBF had the 2nd worst attack in 2nd division last season. The new players should fix that for sure though, balance will be the key.

The captain's prediction:
grünersamt: "To be honest we predict a really good result this season. Our aim is promotion to division 1, so this is what i predict."


Nightly Artists

Rufy, L4W

With L4W and Baffo, who joined before end of the season already, being back, we will se the true Nightly Artists again. They had average performances in division 2 until now, but who knows what will happen this season.

Predicted Line-up:
Sodasson - Baffo - L4W - Rufy

Nightly Artists' philosophy:
Sodaz: "we are a group of friends who have been playing together for a long time (we also met live :D), so it's something that transcends the game"

+ Sodaz: "we are good if in good"

I guess what he means is that it goes well when they are in the flow. Nightly Artists are a team that are interesting to play against. They have quality for sure, but if they bring it on the pitch regulary is the question.

- Sodaz: "condition weakness: easy tilt"

easy tilt means that things get out of balance fast and whole thing goes down? If yes that probably stands for their unstable performances. Maybe they are the opposite from GoodFellas, but maybe they are also quite consistent in their inconsistency.

The captain's prediction:

Sodaz: "unfortunately for the unexpected html5 i can't even predict my team, this season will really be an unknown for us!"



RObert2003, Sherlock Holmes
Vidalo, yohji

Predicted Line-up:
KaLaJaN/Darth Vader - aMp - RObert2003/Ferg - Progamer

FATALITY!'s philosophy:
Progamer: "We can do it better"

+ Progamer: "we already defend well"

+ Progamer: "we dont use our full potential yet, so we can work forward steadily and improve minor things from game to game"

+ it's sure that captain Progamer will score some goals

- Progamer: "we cant play as fast together as other teams with better chemistry and have to work on our attack"

In general FATALITY! is a team that often does well, but never really good enough to reach the promotion in the end. It's hard to predict them always, as KaLaJaN and Progamer have their qualities, but the team between them isnt really stable.

The captain's prediction:
Progamer: "I think that we will reach the top 6 if we play concentrated and focused over the full season."



jerix, fr1sky

Predicted Line-up:
Lumi/DEVS - tom/Hektor/Forlan - Logi/jerix - Nub/fr1

Ajhax' philosophy:
Jds: "concede less and try to score ur chances"

+ Jds: "litty spam, good moral, decent chem"

+ From the outside it seems like Ajhax has a lot of nice players who care for the team and that Jds is being active enough to manage the team. I'm sure that's the best way Ajhax can be.

- Jds: "need to solidify our gameplan, at times we are slow or just play bad"

I think Jds summarizes strength and weaknesses of his team quite good. All players have their qualities, but all together it most likely isn't enough for promotion.



Kantelinio, SalvinHo, NaNi, Vizman, ocho, Kappa
ImpeCabLe, Demon1, DoInK, Vlad, Eden, google, JULYAN., Ganja FZ, chimie

Predicted Line-up:
Soul. - Kappa - Vizman - NaNi

+ Soul: "We know each other very well"

It's hard to predict the strength of this team, for sure they are all really skillful players. But can they do as team good enough to promote?


- 38 Transfers since last season ended speak for the inconsistency of the team and line-up. This probably also was the reason for the bad last season. If they get stability with this line-up now, they can do really good though.

The captain's prediction:
Soul: "Well maybe a top 5? :D"


Lucky Strike

Prof MARKUS, Lukas, mev, 4fun, NAZ
stublagod1, buon, Alcazar, aven, BILBO, piotrek, AR16, Love London, Milanista

Xy signed Prof MARKUS to bring his team, that was quite inactive and got the last place the season before, back on track. Because of that a lot of the old players are gone, and some new joined.

Predicted Line-up:
Prof. MARKUS - mev - lukas/4fun - naz/kyohei/Mistyk/Xy

Lucky Strike's philosophy:
Prof MARKUS: "The point is to score the one goal more than opponent haha" (did he learn this from his former captain wrozbita?)

+ Prof MARKUS: "The strong point is technical taining of my team which gives the results. Thats what i want and i know that my team will manage this"

Again it's hard to speak about the strengths and weaknesses of this team as its quite new, but the players for sure are skillful and could potentitally reach a really good position.


- Prof MARKUS: "Our weakness is defensive but we work very hard to make it better and better. I want to my team plays smart in defense."

FLAMES mentioned Prof MARKUS was their weakness before, so now it went over to Lucky Strike?


Now the four new teams of FM will follow. With every captain there will be an interview so we can learn something about them and their team! In general it's hard to tell something about them as this will be their first season, so we just see what the captains have to tell.


Alekos, ander, irvi, jasko, lajz, Saky, Suki

Predicted Line-up:
irvi/ander/lajz - suki - jasko - alekos/saky

archNemeses' philosophy:
jasko: "possession, a lot of passes, be better than the opponent :P"

- jasko: "we all have the same mentality and same goals and we understand each other"

- jasko: "weakness is certainly having someone as hard to control as suki, things could go south any moment, but luckly I have some nice teamplayers and good friends"

The captain's prediction:
jasko: "if everything goes well and as planned promotion is the goal, but i do predict us to be in the fight for it at least"

Interview with jasko:
Tell me something about why you decided to applicate to FM this season, what connects you with your teams players and why you decided to choose the name of the old team archNemeses!

jasko: "Well, some of us got kicked from IFK since the captain had no plans with us in the future, so I decided to either look for a team or make my own and since I wasn't interested in any other teams, I just decided to try it on my own.
We all have the same goal and that is to have fun and win as much as possible, so we are determined to try doing just that this season.
I decided to take the name because I really liked the team as it was also my best experience in big so far plus more chance to be selected for the league. wink wink"

Are you a better player in attack or defense?

jasko: "Definitely in defense, since I was gk for the most part until this point."


Blue Panthers

Dress, Ekstör, Gimenez20, Klose, pero que, rauk7, rg23

Predicted Line-up:
Ekstör: "We are still planning who's gonna play in each position, because some of us have more than one position. HTML changed our system a bit, but i trust on my players ability to get used to any position, so i can't confirm you positions. If we could play on flash, the line-up would be Gimenez-Ekstör-Pero que...?-Dress, but that's not the case ^^"

Blue Panther's philosophy:
Ekstör: "Consistency."

+ Ekstör: "Solid defense and individual quality"

- Ekstör: "Pressure on the opponent and ability to score :P"

The captain's prediction:
Ekstör: "As i've told u, our philosophy is to be consistent, we are hard opponent to beat so i think we gonna fight until the end with the best teams."

Interview with Ekstör:

Can you tell FM something about the history of your team, why you decided to apply for FM and why you chose the name "Blue Panthers"?

Ekstör: "This team was created around 2015 in spanish league, but it had more successful moments in portuguese league, where we won some trophies between 1st and 2nd division. We decided to apply here because we saw that we were keeping good results with same players, and as we noticed that we had more time to spend in haxball world, we applied here, like if this was our last european haxball experience.
To be honest, I don't know why we had chosen this name, when we started our experience out of spain we chose this name and we kept it until now ^^"

How do you see the skill differences between the portuguese league and FM division 2?

Ekstör: "Obviously FM League has more level than portuguese one, there are some teams that could compete here in FM but most of them haven't got the experience that european haxball gives. Anyways, it's not about skill, because i feel that in portugal they prefer the skill and tricks than any other thing, and here, at least in 2nd division, it's important to be safe if u want to get top positions. So in my opinion, experience and safer style gives u an advantage here."



CvRk, Deliric, KEANU, Mamba, Pizzi, selet, shaxlele

Predicted Line-up:
selet(sunday)/keanu(thursday)/pizzi(backup) - cvrk - shax - mamba

OMERTÀ's philosophy:
CvRk: "have fun..and win"

CvRk: "We have seven of them, just check our lineup."

CvRk: "our weakness is html, once we get used to it we will be UNSTOPPABLE."

The captain's prediction:
CvRk: "dominate 2nd div"

Interview with CvRk:
Your team is already known from other competitions like League1 and HCL, can you tell a bit about the story of your team and why you chose to apply for FM this season?

CvRk: "Hello, OMERTÀ was born right after the disband of former FM team Dream Destroyers, I think it was Mamba who came up with the idea to create this team first. Back in L1 our roster was a little bit different, players like aguero10 and Pringles were part of us and we managed to reach for the most wanted haxball trophy. This time, it was my idea to recreate OMERTÀ. Even though we had a lot of skilled players in KE i didn't enjoy the gameplay of some of them so I decided to begin again something new. After I saved Mamba from his World of Warcraft shell, we recruited some old, some new players and we are ready to dominate and have fun once again."

Why did you choose the name OMERTÀ for your team?

CvRk: "All I can do is quote Mamba here."
Mamba wrote:well pretty much it was a name of some lithuanian rap group or whatever so I googled the word to find meaning and I liked the meaning

What do you think about the players you gathered for the team this season? Looking at it from outside everyone can see a lot of potential, but dominating division 2 is harder than many might expect.

CvRk: "The main thing for me was to sign players who I enjoy to play with on the pitch. shaxlele is really good in passing and fast combinations, thats what I expect from an attacker instead of keeping ball in the corner the whole game. selet is an offensive goalkeeper, helps us to keep pressure in attack and spend less time in our defensive zone. KEANU was an easy pick, I know him for years so I know exactly what to expect from him. The rest are former OMERTÀ members from League1. I dont expect the 2nd div to be an easy journey but I believe we will be 100% ready to win every game."


Team Lyreco

Boyd, chimie, Kitrex, Lyreco, Multi, qaz00, Rizzoli

Predicted Line-up:

Team Lyreco's philosophy:
Lyreco: "Having fun together as we are good friends, and of course the tendency to win"

+ Lyreco: "our motivation! we wont give up that easy"

- Lyreco: "we dont have a super chem but we are working on it."

The captain's prediction:
Lyreco: "I think between 10th and 7th should be fine"

Interview with Lyreco:
Why did you decide to apply in FM this season? Did you think you would be accepted?

Lyreco: "Ive tried my luck on some teams like Ajhax and Saints but didn't go that well, so I thought why not try a team apply, and honeslty I didn't expect to be accepted as my first team that I posted fall part because of activity."

You have got some other team in a dutch league, which i guess most people dont really know about. Can you tell something about it?

Lyreco: "Well, I made a league called Eredvisie along with B4D 4SS. Was just a fun league and good expierence to manage it aswell. Sadly season 2 didn't continue because we didn't get enough team applications :(. But first season was succesful and really much fun!"

Why did you name your team after yourself? Don't you think thats weird?

Lyreco: "Haha yeah it is weird, my first team name was SkyZone, but then I randomly came up with an idea to rename the team into Team Lyreco, most people think I stole it from Swift, but believe me, didn't steal it :P. Tried to make a logo for the teamname and I really like the logo (credits to xSha), so I thought why not take the name!"


That are all teams in FM this season! I hope you had fun reading and got a nice overview about whats going on in the divisions this season. Also make sure you check out Vidal's weekly interviews :)

Here another extra interview with Twigg, who doesnt play in any team:
Twigg, do you think people should watch more FM-Streams, which show a chosen FM-topmatch every Sunday and Thursday at 22CET?

Twigg: "if they want to yes and if they don't no"

What do you think about the weekly interviews Vidal will make as preview for the matches every sunday?

Twigg: "i didn't know that was a thing. sounds cool"

Fantasy Haxball, Predictions and Betting, even if you missed the first matchday you have a chance to do good in those! Don't you think those features make FM kind of unique?

Twigg: "unique from what, is it not the only haxball community now?"

Well, HCL still manages to get most of the teams from other competitions than FM, so i guess so.

Twigg: "oh hcl still exists"
Twigg: "oh yes"
Twigg: "you were talking about it recently"

Do you think the switch to HTML5 was a good decision or too early?

Twigg: "i think the ball in html is too octagonal, so yeah definitely a bad switch"


Please write me a pm on TS if you find any mistakes so i can fix it and please write what you like and dislike about this previews and if you have any ideas for future ones.
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Re: Season 22 Previews

Postby Lyreco » May 10th, 2018, 11:04 pm

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