Season 20 Division 2 Preview

Season 20 Division 2 Preview

Postby Hannes » September 10th, 2017, 6:50 pm

Of course Divisions 2 starting too tonight, 7 old and 5 new FM teams starting the challenge for promotion, not al can reach it, who will be the most consistent and persistent teams?
For this preview again Herna interviewed the teams and this time 2nd placed in Predictions of last Season vidal of archNemeses adds his predictions for the teams.

After three seasons in Division1 Husaria had to go back down. Can they fight to bounce back immediatly?
The team struggled a bit with activity recently.
Their lineup seems kinda stable even though ins leaving for GF could be real loss.

Vidal's view: After a disappointing relegation last season, we can think their aim is to promote to go in Div1 again. But with the other good teams in Div2, I think they will
finish 5th.

Interview tba?

Nightly Artists:
The cup runner up of last season will aim for promotion again.
In the league they were lacking a bit consistency over the season and were struggling vs. the Top3 teams, losing all matches vs. them.
Although they had 2nd best defence of the Division, only outranked by champs Gladiators.
We dont see many activity on the transfer market so the core of the team will stay the same as last season

Vidal's view: Last season was a pretty first good season in FeedMe for them, finished in 5th place but I don't think they can reproduce it again against such good
opponents. My prediction goes to 6th or 7th position.

Interview with L4W:
Last season your team failed to promote, especially because of a bad start. What were the problems?
problems were individual mistakes which cost us a lot of matches
Now its your aim to promote again I guess, will you trust the same line-up as last season?
yep! The main line-up will be Fer Baffo L4W Capitan Fenomenozzh
Which teams are in your opinion the favourites for promotion?
our team + Torto and Andrea's team

Another midfield position for QS after their return to FM. They got some high scoring losses which they should try to avoid better in the future. (1-7 and 0-7 vs. Gladiators; 2-11 vs. fatamorgana; 1-6 vs. Ajhax)
Mish been very active with transfers lately, so we'll probably see a refurbished lineup in the upcoming season.

Vidal's view: 19th season was a stable one for QS and I think they will do the same this season. I bet on a 7th place.

Interview with Mish:
Your team played an average season in division 2. Wasn't your team good enough for more yet?
After I became a captain, I had to make a new team, Problem was in DM position because we played 3/4 season without good DM.... So i think this was problem.
Tell me something about next season. How will your line-up look like and how good do you think your team can do?
For next season probably will play everyone in the team :P And we go for title in second division and for FM Cup
Which teams are in your opinion the favourites for promotion?
Ofc QuickSwans, maybe IFK and poland teams

Team Rocket:
This team is capable of big wins and heavy losses, in last season TR were able to beat promoted sides TuT, RA and MeMe, but had too many bad results on the other hand to be a competitor for the promtion, can things change in the new season and how will activity of captain Givanildo be ?

Vidal's view: They had a really good gameplay last season in my opinion, a better stability in defense and some constancy will help them go win more matches.
My prediction goes to 8th-9th place.

Interview with hero:
Your team came 8th last season, but had some surprising wins through the season. What was missing for more?
We started with a great win against Fatamorgana, which motivated us a lot for the other games we would have in the second and third rounds which in our view would be the hardest games in the first round. But we were not expecting us to have some absences during the league. I think it was these absences that discouraged us and that were missing in some games.
Do you think you can do better next season, or even fight for promotion? What will your line-up look like?
This season i think will be more complicated than the previous season because it has better teams. But that doesn't matter, we will try our best thinking about game by game. Our objective is reach the first division and get as far as possible. That's why this season we are making some changes on team. Trying new plays with new players.
Which teams are in your opinion the favourites for promotion?
I think the candidate teams are PRO, IFK, Husaria and Galaxity. But everything is possible.

Fatality already going into their 12th FM Season now! Last season was finished on a bit dissappointing 9th place. Reached the bottom at the 3-15 loss vs. RA on matchday20. Of course Progamer/Kalajan want to aim for a better season now and peek towards promotion again?

Vidal's view: FAT had a disappointing 19th season, they finished 9th but I expect them to do a better season maybe between 7th and 8th position.

Interview with Progamer:
After a good start your team fell down to the 9th place in the table last season. What were the reasons?
Yes, we did a really good start for our Team. But after a few MD´s we feel dissappointed and we lose some key dm player. So I decided just to play these following Matches and create a new Team for the next Season.
With which line-up you will try to do it better this season and how good you think you can do?
We get some new player like ReA, Tali is coming back now and Static is a good newcomer. The real line-up isnt set right now. It depend on how much player me and kala get for choose. After the Pre SSN CUP we fel great after the win against Skins and a big fight against Gladiators. I think if we go on playing like this we can reach place 3-5. I think it can be possible if every Match will be serious played by ourself.
Which teams are in your opinion the favourites for promotion?
Great Question :) Im sure that IFK will be promoted with this Line-up. I think also that Goodfellas, PRO or Galaxy reach a promoted place. But old teams like QS, Husaria or myself shouldnt be underrated for the Promotion.

Balls be Flyin'
Not many expected big things of BBF in their first FM season, but the team got some surprising results. Can they build some more consistency in the upcoming season and climb up the Division2 ladder a bit?
Captain grünersamt got with bruma, Eriksen, Floyd and Lilith some new faces for the new challenges.

Vidal's view: Some cuts and new signings, but I don't think they can achieve a better place than 10 or 11th, shared with TPP in my opinion.

Interview with grünersamt:
Your team came 10th in the first season in FM. Was it expectable or are you still disappointed with the result?
Well, I'm not disappointed at all. Our plan was just to get into the league and dont collapse completly. Obviously we have still a lot to learn but I think it was a acceptable first season.
What will a possible line-up for next season look like? Do you think you can do better with the new players?
Yea I think our new players will bring some hardly needed experience in our more or less unexperienced team. Last season we rotated very much, many players played many positions. Now we need some structure in our gamestyle, which we maybe can achieve with some non-changing startingplayers. As long as we dont lose our fun playing this game and we let the balls be flyin we will get better automatically by and by. In the best case, not only the balls are flying :). Well the question for our starting line up is hard to answer since I still dont know which would be the best for us. But i think we get through our first matches in the upcoming season with the following players: barendrecht, Rooney, Eriksen, Floyd, bruma jaa and myself.
Which teams are in your opinion the favourites for promotion?
In my opinion the top 3 will be (not in this order): PRO, Goodfellas and IFK.

The oldest FM team struggled again last season with getting good results. And were lacking a bit in terms of activity, Jds trying to find ways to get things up a bit again. He also have to replace jerix as GK, they probably need some more new faces.

Vidal's view: Season after season Ajhax try to do their best but it's not enough to end at a good place. They can do better things than last season where they finished last, without considering disbanded Teams. However my prediction goes to 12th place :(

Interview with TemplleGoku:
Ajhax only became 11th last season, why weren't you able to do better?
Well we could always perform better and achieve better results in the league but it's simply not that easy.In these last seasons we started off pretty badly , why you say? Because we had a lot of new players and we hadn't been able to establish chemistry with them and unleash our true potential.That being said, the end of the season is when we started playing better and performing better as a team , as chemistry was being built little by little. This season we have decided that it would benifit us the most to keep some of our past players and integrate some new ones to help them unleash their true talent.Last but not least , i feel like we'll do a lot better this season , we will without a doubt give our best whoever our opponent might be and we'll be certain to prove that on field!
How might your line-up look like? How good do you expect your team to do?
"That's a very good question , I think our lineup might look bad because we have a lot of unknown players but that doesn't bother me nor Jds.If you ask me , I'd say that we have a pretty good line-up and we think that we're going to have a magnificent season.I expect Ajhax to end up at least in the top 8.We are well aware that this isn't an easy season but we are going to fight for a better place and we'll hopefully achieve our goal which may seem like impossible.
Our players are putting a lot of effort into it and we all are pushing our limits to achieve new heights, we've been playing and practicing together a lot lately so we all could get better individually and also grow better as a team!"
Which teams are in your opinion the favourites for promotion?
The favourite teams to get a promotion are going to be next ones: 1. IFK , 2. PRO , 3. Ajhax.

One of the new teams in FM is polish squad Galaxity of captain Gamer who played in FM before for a couple of season. Before the team played in the polish league and now facing new challenges, can they make an impact in Division2 and fight for the promotion spots?

Vidal's view: I think polish players will show a good gameplay and some fairplay in their matches, they can fight for promotion if they win some games against directs opponents.
My prediction goes to 4th place.

Interview with Gamer:
Tell us something about the history of your team and why you decided to join FM!
Most of us played together in one team in polish community. During the last season there left a little number of teams in polish 4v4 league and that's why decided to sign up for FM League.
What will your line-up in league probably look like and how good you think you can do in your first season?
I will probably add 1-2 players to line-up which i made application with. I have really no idea where we will finish at the end of the season. As to me, the goal is to advance to first division, but we will see ^^
Which teams are in your opinion the favourites for promotion?
IFK Systembolagetlaget is the strongest prediction for now. In my opinion also at least one of polish teams will advance to first division. Nightly Artists and PRO can fight for promotion too. We will see, everything is possible
Explain please how you got to the name Galaxity!
At first we didn't know how to name our team, there were many funny and stupid suggestions and finally Galaxity sounds the best :D

GF been one of the consistent teams in L1 and also had strong spells in HCL, in recent edition they reached Semi Final losing vs. HCL winner Omerta.
Division2 will be a different challenge than HCL but the team probably will count as one of the promotion contenders and have to prove themselfs now in FM.

Vidal's view: I guess well known polish team will fight for title and I expect them to win it. They prooved their power in 4-5 last HCL edition.

Interview with iks:
Tell us something about the history of your team and why you decided to join FM!
GoodFellas was founded by me in january 2015. I wanted to play on HaxTrick league so i convinced Jarinho, ox and other players, that's why we started. We decided to play on FeedMe, because League1 is going to end.
What will your line-up in league probably look like and how good you think you can do in your first season?
Our 'once de gala': Chrizzen as gk, me dm, ox as mdf and striker ins. Jarinho, oez will be our jokers. The goal is to win division 2 :)
Which teams are in your opinion the favourites for promotion?
In my opinion IFK and Nightly Artists are favorites to get high position in table, but we don't forget Husaria or Galaxity.
Explain please how you got to the name GoodFellas!
In past i wachted a lot of gangster films and Goodfellas was my favourite, still is.

IFK Systembolagetlaget
The new swedish team with the complicated name, im looking forward to the stream with the commentators pronounce it.
Yawn gathered some swedish (and some non-swedish) players and joining FM now. They surely are one of the teams with most experienced players like anglo and Schnuppel, also 2nd placed topscorer of last Division1 Andrea is joining them. Enough to promote?

Vidal's view: I think we all expect them to promote in Div1. In my opinion they will fight for podium and promotion with GF and PRO.

Interview with Yawn:
Tell us something about why you decided to create a team and join FM!
"Well so basically, I wanted to create this team with some friends, since the only way I can truly enjoy competetive haxball is when I play with teams I actually care about. I've had a couple of teams before that didn't end up the way I wanted them to, but this time i'll hopefully make sure to keep the team intact with a solid core, which will keep my motivation high.
The decision of applying to FM was a quite obvious one, considering FM is the only long lasting well run league that currently exists in Haxball (in my opinion).
It's also a league where my biggest enemy Whitee is active within, and no matter where he play, I consider it my duty to come after his teams. KE watch out..."
How will your line-up in league probably look like and how good you think you can do in your first season?
The lineup isn't decided yet, and there will be loads of rotations. Even though I'm the captain, I still can't provide you with a good predicated lineup, we'll have to wait and see. I just know that Ekstör aka Aitor will be our GK mostly togheter with anglo, and I will be the AM. Thankfully I have plenty of good allrounders and a deadly striker known as Schnuppel, so I will be calm no matter who plays! We obviously aim to win the division. I don't doubt the squads strenghts in terms of grinding enough victories! But there are some very good teams, that will for sure put up a good challenge. In the end of the day I will be satisfied as long as we play good and promote.
Which teams are in your opinion the favourites for promotion?
I consider PRO to be the best team, with Goodfellas being right behind them. Also Husaria, Nightly Artists and Galaxity are teams that I will have huge respect for, knowing the strenght of some of their players. I think PRO is that type of team that can grind win after win with ease against worse sides, and in a league that ability is of high value. Goodfellas is a good and stable team, that know each other very well. If I had to take a wild guess on what team is most likely to promote, it would be them for sure, because of the stability. So yea, the conclusion I make out of this is that GF, PRO and Husaria/NR/Galaxity promotes (If i exclude my own team from the competetion).
Explain please how you got to the name IFK Systembolagetlaget and what it means!
"Haha, It's a name that probably only I find funny, and you must be swedish to kinda understand it. I will explain with all the details covered!
IFK stands for ''Idrottsföreningen Kamraterna'' in swedish, which kinda translates to ''Sport Association Comrades/Friends''.
Moving on... ''Systembolaget'' is the government owned chain of liquor in Sweden. It is the only retail store allowed to sell alcoholic beverages that contain more than a few % in volume.
Lastly, ''Laget means ''The team'' or just ''team''."

Haxball veteran Tortogol bringing some friends and his portuguese team into FM. Surely they will have big aims and rather will look up the table than down. Also some of Tortos teammates have experience playing in FM, so its not all of a new challenge for them.

Vidal's view: Also known in Portugal as FSK, portuguese players can do a good season and finishing 3rd place should be their position in my opinion.

Interview with Tortogol:
Tell us something about the history of your team and why you decided to join FM!
PRO are a well known team from Portugal, created by me with players like Dark, Terror, Pringles, Rossi and chavosaN . The reason why I applied on FM is to show the good haxball Portugal has and develop the best PT players to another level.
What will your line-up in league probably look like and how good you think you can do in your first season?
We have players with a lot of potential Who got some good results like FSK in HCL who eliminated Chimera and showed some good perfomances in L1. So, in overall the main goal of this team is of course the promotion and have a good time with nice gamestyle. In personal reasons, due my time in this game , my biggest goal and motivation to continue playing is Win the main haxball competition (HCL 4V4) with a Portuguese team so FM is a big challenge and a great competition to prepare that goal. Our line up has players Who are playing at long time together, andresantos despite having some autist moments in goal is an offensive goalkeeper that makes some Nice passes, Wassup is maybe after Markgol the great hope of Portugal for the dm position, Irvi is all around, can perfectly do any position without troubles, Kra and Lied are great strikes, Kra is more passing player and Lied is Very skilled. We have also Rafsdias who is for me the next big thing Portugal's haxball has to offer. And ofc me who all of you should know, i Will play as AM and i Hope to make an stable and cool season to own whoever faces me. I expect that Dogan warns me to do my captain job since everyone knows my high responsable. GL to every teams guys, hf!
Which teams are in your opinion the favourites for promotion?
I think we have good chances to promote the div1 but there are some good teams like aitor, ali+swedish boys, goodfellas and even Nightly Artists can be a cool surprise.
Explain please how you got to your teamname PRO!
I always enjoyed the tag PRO (i remember PROjatiles from YeS) and we add some random name.

Trailer Park Penguins
Last team to be mentioned in this years preview are the Penguins of new captain StringerBell. All of the players been in FM before for at least a couple of seasons, so its no new arena for these guys. Yet it wont be an easy challenge for them to compete in this seasons Division2 which consists many good teams. What are they able to achieve?

Vidal's view: The new english team will try to look good in this Div2 but it will be hard to win matches so I think they will go on 10-11th place.

Interview with StringerBell:
Tell us something about why you decided to create a team and join FM!
really like this league, always have. was the first league i joined so maybe it has some nostalgic value to me. It has nice features, its being well admined and has pretty high quality (altho i didnt know that when i decided to apply). When i came back to hax i wanted to create a team and there was no other option for me than FM
How will your line-up in league probably look like and how good you think you can do in your first season?
the players who deserves to play will play. I make the decision based on activity, quality and general behaviour. for the second question, i think we can do decently. Maybe top half if we're sharp and disciplined plus stay active. Think we'll struggle a lot with promotion due to the high level in div2 atm, but we're better than people think.
Which teams are in your opinion the favourites for promotion?
PRO and yawns team..maybe goodfellas too
Explain please how you got the name Trailer Park Penguins!
me and lee were brainstorming, and neither of us are very creative..

thanks Herna and Vidal
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Last edited by Hannes on September 11th, 2017, 5:19 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Season 20 Division 2 Preview

Postby socrates » September 11th, 2017, 11:09 am

Some unexpected results in Div2 yesterday - hopefully a good sign it will be exciting this season.

Good luck to all and nice work on the preview.
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