Season 16 REAL Preview DIV2

Season 16 REAL Preview DIV2

Postby Barca » June 19th, 2016, 7:32 pm

FM Season 16

Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hax Club Band
With Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hax Club Band we finally have a british haxball club again! The problem is that it is almost a completely new team with mostly players who are just coming into the league or joined somewhere around the last season(s) without playing much, like captain chuckdog, Beninho, deerhaunter94, QQQ and Speaks.
Only Lee, Rénbeaudach and SebastiAn have quite much experience. Altogether all players of the team in Feed-Me just scored 41 goals, 18 of them by the romanian guy SebastiAn, and made 22 assists. Not only the all time top scorers reached much more than that, so we can predict forward that it could be even difficult for them to not end up on the last place.
It will be interesting to see if the experienced players can lead the unknown players and how long time it will take. As I don’t think it will be fast enough to get on a decent Divsion 2 level in the first season I have to predict them on the 12th place.

chuckdog: "well we're a new team and while there's a lot of individual experience in the side, we're getting used to playing together for the first time so i'd say the first aim is to get some good team chemistry going. i think if we train regularly enough we can reach a good level. obviously it's gonna be tough in the early fixtures but once we find our groove i think we can do well. i don't want to limit ourselves or put undue pressure on us by predicting where exactly we'll finish though.
I think the team as it is will probably remain constant for the season. we may sign 1 more player depending on certain players' activity.
The star player is a difficult question to answer as i don't think we have 1 player who is head and shoulders above the rest. i think generally the quality is fairly consistent through the team. if i had to pick one, i'd say lee, but his activity is questionable due to work so i'm not sure how much we'll see of him through the season.
Shoutouts to ogre, rolex, mick, q, uncle bambito, yawn, lynchy and banks' grandad."

Devil's Dozen:
The team of captain il dottore is already playing his 3rd season in a row in the Feed-Me league. After ending up on a decent 4th place in the first season the team came unluckily back to the reality with just 13 points in 18 matches. Teams like Ajhax, Sensation and FATALITY! made their next step while Devil’s Dozen wasn’t in a competetive mode and it seems like they made a step backwards.
From the first season only il dottore, Ronaldinho and Strèw survived, of course also because the not good enough last season. As result they had to sign many unknown players like the serbian Aguero, the swiss Ics, the italian Sank and the goalkeeper SterlingBM, as they already have some debts which they have to pay. The star transfer is definitely the dutch Yobo. Reliable sources say that they also are in negotiations with the polish player NAZ who already showed his class in different leagues. If this transfer would be finalized it will be a huge step to a better position in this season.
As I at the moment don’t know if the available money is enough to convince him I predict them same as in the last season on the 2nd last place – this time the 11th.

il dottore: "I can not give a target because for us every game is a final but we will fight for every ball, last season I said that the target was to win, we came second to last in the standings, and i want to make a heartfelt and truthful thanks to all the admin of the league for helping us, warned in certain circumstances, and especially for the support that is very important to have in a big league like this here"

A serbian film-team is the only team where the whole squad is the same as in the end of last season. So captain Nesmajnik completely trusts his team. That there is already a big danger in established teams is no secret. But when with grobar the best player of the team is shining with his inactiveness over the past years it is even more one. As result they lost both first matches of the league and now just signed the englishman Swift who is playing in Feed Me league almost since beginning.
Last season, the first Fulam season in Feed Me league, the team ended on a solid 5th place in the middle of nowhere. And as it always should be very hard when grobar isn’t playing, the league once again expanded and the quality got much better too, it will be really difficult for Fulam to end up on a 5th or better place again. I predict that Fulam will have a bit worser position than last season and will end on the 10th place.

Medek: "Hello there! :p.. I'm Medek from Croatia, maybe some of you know me.I play in team Fulam.
Our aim for new season is to try to finish in first two places for qualification in to Division 1. Last season was not so good. We lost some very important points and that cost us.
Sure, we had some changes within players in team, but we found ourselves now. I think we will not sign any new player because this roster now, were player from the beginning of Fulam. Unfortunately, I'm leaving haxball in some weeks in future, bcs I'm moving in Germany, but hopefully I'll be back and be in better form to contribute better for team.
Last season I was bad, but I had better days :p. I think our star player is jasko, but I can say Ukrotitelj too, I can't decide.If we improve our attack's and finishing, I think we will finish in high place, maybe 1st.
Thanks for asking me for a season preview.See ya guys on a pitch!

Ajhax is the longest existing team of both divisions, has with Jds the longest team captain of Feed Me and that with only playing in the first league for two times in season 6 and season 11. The seasons before a 3rd and 4th place was sufficient because the league expanded or teams (were) disbanded. It looks like something like this is again needed to once give a comeback in the upcoming season(s).
Ajhax is particularly known for having many old, current or former admins in the team. For example players like Barlex, dooms, ptichka and Wiiii, such as the captains. But also the team is mostly known for inconstance with his players. For such a long time the team is existing it is nothing special and just normally, but without the two captains Jds and Twigg no player is longer in the team than one season.
A big problem will highly possible be the loss of gado who was transferred for a large sum to the champions league participant Los Santos, where he already played in the Champions League with his team, but was eliminated in the semi final. Because of the big transfer revenue Ajhax managed it to sign experienced Ahmed from Meh Squirrel of first Divsion, DannyV from Hot Shots, who didn’t play any match in Feed Me league yet, free player Feno and ribe who gives his comback in Ajhax after a one season timeout without playing anywhere.
I predict Ajhax on the 9th place, as the overall quality of the league got much better now and the team maybe could have the biggest problems in beginning. With a good start in the first matches a better position is definitely possible.

Twigg: "Our aim is as usual, to have fun and enjoy the season. Hopefully we land in a good place - promotion would be awesome. We're trialling a few players at the moment but already have a big squad so it's hard to say who we will sign or cut. This season looks to be a tough one, there are some really nice teams here. We wish everyone luck and hope you all enjoy the season (except feno)."

The team which is only consisting of bosnian players, with dutch goalkeeper Jesé and Suki as exception, is now playing the 3rd season in a row in the 2nd Division. From the 5th place in Season 14, Sensation had to accept the bad 8th place in last season. Now with the comeback of Doktor Weiss, who played in the 2nd half of last season for Fulam, also great skill came back again. He should have much motivation after winning the cup final in another league and surely can help his bosnian friends to play a better season than the last one. He shall fill in the gap which was created after the leaving of Skinny to the new rival Husaria. The 2nd of three signings is the serbian Suki who already played in many, many different FM teams without finding his last satisfaction in one of them. The last sining is another bosnian, BHF, who is known most of us especially for his great manager and funcup admin skills.
The key roles could also play, without the two experienced signings, the team captain smajo who already scored 22 goals for his team and the over the past seasons constant goalkeeper Kahn.
For Sensation the target should be a solid midfield place to be able to attack in next season for a promotion spot. I expect that Sensation will end up on place 8.

smajo: "Well, our aim for this season is same as it has been for last two seasons, to get promotion. Hope this season will be our season.
I don't have some special personal aims, only personal aim is to play as good as possible and to get promotion.
Considering new players, I have already "bought" new player, and one big name from Balkans is in option to join Sensation. About cuts, unfortenatly one players has decided to leave us, but everyone is replaceble. Starting 4 depends from our transfers, but is will be almost 100% Bosnian!
Sensations star player is definitely Kula. He is considerd as Bosnian best player after Dalone, and he is our star play in our National team.
About last question, that's a little hard one, considering the strenght of new 2nd division teams, but I will answer optimisticly, we will finish 2nd."

The team of captain duo Progamer and spanish KaLaJaN is playing the 5th season in a row now in 2nd Division of the league. In season 11 the team once had the nice feeling of playing in the first Division. But as much time passed only KaLaJaN survived of the formerly complete spanish team. Another bad thing for FATALITY! is that just when they found themself and played a really impressive last season with almost reaching the promotion, but only got the unlucky 3rd place, the league expanded and even much more quality came.
For still trying to attack the promotion places FATALITY! signed the romanian goalkeeper SC30, the german defensive midfielder Arango, also known as Ayahuasca, the czech offensive midfielder Honza cz and another romanian Pjanić.
The skill is there and especially with counter attacks the team is really dangerous and the opponents definitely shouldn’t underestimate them. I predict the 7th place for FATALITY! as the competitors look even stronger.

Progamer: "We get no Team aim. We play for fun in feed me and try to get up into 1st Division. Its hard anyway but we try our best.
My personal aim is to be one of the best Player in the 2nd Div. It means Top scorer or Top assister. Last Season the last Matchday decided it and in the next Season i want to attack the first places. Also we get some new Player like Pjanic, Vidal and Honza. They are good enough for the Div and i think they will shot us in a better Position than the Seasons before.
At the moment we didn´t have an starting 4. If we get 4 Players we play with them. But i think if Kalajan/Arj, Pjanic or Avelar, Honza/Vidal and me are here, they will play.
My prediction about an Star Player in our Team is still no one. We get many Players who aren´t bad. So our Star Player is the Team!
I´m sorry for my English."

Aston Birra:
The italian team of captain Paulinho is quite a team with an interesting history in Feed Me. After achieving the 2nd place in the first season 11 and with that the promotion only 1 point and 4 goals were needed in the season after that to win the title and be champions! This only managed the two top teams Yes Allstars in season 12 and 13 and archNemeses in season 14 and 15. Unluckily it didn’t shall happen and afterwards a massive collapse with ending two times on the 2nd last place of the league and with that the relegation was the consequence. Even in the 2nd Division Aston Birra only reached the 7th place of last season.
Now captain Paulinho is hard working to come back to such a glorious time the team already had. With signing the dutch Hulk a huge step was made. The longtime captain of Flame Hawks is definitely an upgrade who can help the team and a man who lives in a world were only victories are enough. With him Aston Birra signed the two goalkeepers Buffon(Lithuania) and the norwegian talent Ryan McCarthy.
The promotion in this season is maybe too much considering the concurrence, but a season to prepare everything for the next one and do it then is the best they could do. I expect them to end on the 6th place.

Paulinho: "Our aim is to release the team from the last season, we want to improve and reach proper results because this team deserves more according to his history.
My personal aim is to confirm my second part of season where i scored 9 goals in my new position as striker.
The team is almost done, we are just looking for the last 2 players to complete the roster.
Obviously our key and star player is Hulk, we trust in his creativity and techinique to score and gain the victory.
I want to finish 1st but i think we will arrive 4th place."

The only team which got relegated is the team of captain Hernández. Only 10 points, 6 of them because Canucks disbanded, did TurnUpTurnips reach last season. It is the first time they are playing in Division 2 after achieving the promotion in Season 13 – with having luck that a 3rd place was enough. Two seasons before even a 4th place was enough, it is such a long time back where something like this happened and luckily things changed until nowadays.
Since that only team captain Herna and, one of the only girls playing in Feed Me, Ayla survived. The version of the team always was it to sign unknown talented players. In the past they did it with grünersamt, QQQ, QuickCrew and salamini. Like this they just continued when signing the german Chaos, polish Flash and turkish Fosgatè. So in this way the relegation didn’t impair the team, what is already a positive sight.
Anyways it will be interesting to see how they can cope with the new situation. As until now no big transfer was made I don’t think they are able to achieve the promotion, as the constance of the players isn’t seen yet and has to be developed first. So I predict TurnUpTurnips on a good 5th place.

Hernández: "Our aim will be in every to match to win - in the end we will see how it goes, of course there is only one thing to fight for in 2nd division and thats the promotion, but we will see how good we are this season.
I have no personal aims but as team captain i of course hope that tut will play in a way i like and we develop with it!
We are still looking for some important players for the team, so our starting 4 is still open, we will see how we will play.
Our star player is herna, he is really good.
I dont know on which place tut will finish, but we will se it after the season!"

Hot Shots:
The upcoming team is definitely really interesting. After ending up on the last place of the 2nd Division for two times in a row with only 10 and 11 points, Hot Shots decided to make a new start before the season. Therefore with captain Holtby, Kirito and UKOriginal only 3 players stayed in the team and 8 players were signed. The quality of the signings is really surprising and whole europe is asking from where from they have all this money. The most stubborn rumor is that captain Holtby completed a long-standing contract with the sponsor Red Bull, which is also supporting some football clubs around the world. In the end 8 players were already signed, an ending of this Shopping Spree is not foreseeable.
On the goalkeeper position the skilled french ArianALBANIA and the spain aitor found their way to the team. Arians qualities are known by all who played during the last years, as he played in many different leagues like Feed Me, Your-eSports and Haxballcommunity. As defensive midfielder the turkish duo Eddie, who was also brought into connection with other clubs and where Hot Shots is his 9th team station in FM already, and James Milner signed a contract. On the offensive positions swede and another former world class player Falk, his brit friend Pat and bosnian Falcao, who changed his club 6 times during last two seasons, followed the call of money.
As it is impossible that they already have advanced routine in their playstyle the start of the season will say in which way it goes. In the end I predict them on a solid 4th place.

Holtby: "Hot Shots hasnt been very successfull in the past, therefore i decided to give it a reset and start from 0 with Kirito, UKOriginal and myself. With a couple ideas in mind we headed into the preaseason, my biggest concern was to improve our offensive game, since that was the part we were lacking most.
With the arrival of our current 2 top players Arango(DM) and Sentence(ST) we are able to create much more danger in the opponents half. Also due to the loss of Pizzi and Taziek, i'm keeping my eye out for their replacement and i might've found them already.
Hot Shots placement this season.. its hard to tell, because there are so many new teams and they all want to proove themselves, but our goal is to finish this season atleast top of the half."

Husaria is also playing together in another league with almost the same squad for some seasons. It normally should be a huge advantage for them, and they are just proving their good early performance with the victory in the cup match vs. the current champion archNemeses. We can expect much, as they have a small squad with only experienced players from different nations. Captain HASTLA now founded his way to Feed Me after conquering many other leagues before, for example the polish, czech and Haxball Champions League – also with Husaria.
At the moment they have a perfect squad of only 7 players because every position is filled twice as some players of the team can play more positions. If they can hold their small squad with 7 (active) players they can prepare themself for high aims, as then the identification with the team is the highest. But of course also the danger is always there that someone surprisingly gets inactive and you have to search quick for a replacement.
Anyways if Husaria want to have a safe promotion spot they have to concentrate on not lose vs. the other top teams and win almost all of their matches vs. normally worser teams. In the end I predict Husaria on the 3rd place, and because the possible expansion it can be enough to get promoted and play in the best league in the current haxball world next season.

Monstars has just as Seeders only known players with the exception B4D4SS. 6 of the other 8 players started playing in Feed Me league 10 or more seasons ago, many with shorter or longer time-outs. Only the extremely versatile Briton ogre and the german goalkeeper eWa don’t have as long experience as the others.
In my opinion the team even has the potential to compete with the top team Seeders. On the one side Monstars has with the swedish guy anglo, the german Dave and ogre, who probably will play mostly the defensive midfielder position, some players who can play any position where they have to play for the next match. On the other side they have national top finishers like Sтeғαn, Rooney1878 and captain Lloyd BANKS, who scored altogether really impressive 178 goals. It is just sick and even many teams of Division 1 can only dream of anything what is near to that. But due to the different activity of both teams Seeders clearly is in the favourite position of wining Division 2. The aim of Monstars should be to not lose any matches against other competitors for the promotion and save like this one of the top 3 places, what should be enough to get into Division 1 next year, as the league once again probably will expand.
In the end I predict Monstars on the 2nd place, although they should care strongly to not give away any free points.

ogre: "Our teams aim is promotion, I don't think theres a single person in the squad who doesn't believe we can achieve it. My personal aims are just to do the best I can for the team in whatever position I'm needed. As for possible new players, I'm not sure, nothing is certain because you never know when players will suddenly leave haxball for various real-life reasons.
The starting line-up isn't really one I can say because I'm not captain, though I think we have fantastic attacking options in Rooney1878, Stefan and Lloyd Banks, and everyone in hax knows anglos quality as a player.
Not sure who our star player is, though I imagine anglo or Rooney1878 would be the most well-known players.
As for our final place in the league standings, it would be amazing if we finished 1st, but at this point in time I think Seeders are in a different class to anyone else in the division. I think we have the potential to challenge at the top of the table, but most players would say this about their team. Actually realising your teams potential is another matter, and if we are going to be successful then we have to put the effort in, because every season FM seems to become more and more competitive in terms of the overall quality of the teams."

For sure the most ambitious team of the 2nd division of season 16 is Seeders. A team of only much known players without any exception. To say something about individual players doesn’t make any sense, as the world class is representing by (almost) every player of the team, especially by the israelian guys. That they signed with the englishman aeRo, who is for all of us only known as longtime member of AC Dead People, and the germankAoS, another comeback of a former world class player and former captain of team Germany, is a little glimmer of hope for the other teams that they will maybe lose some points during the season. Particulary kAoS already won most titles you can win in the haxball universum, so in Seeders he is in the right team. It will be interesting if he can come back to his former class and in the end how often he and aeRo will play, as the starting lineup normally should consist of adriano or Jai as goalkeeper, team captainIsco as defensive midfielder, and Meyer together with co-captains Riquelme and Echo will fight for the offensive positions. As Meyer will go in army soon, it is also possible that the signings are in particular signings for the future.
If the team won’t disband due to any unpredictable things a not 1st place would surprise everyone, even a season without any losing point is possible. At the moment only QuickSwans in season 10 managed it to do so, but sooner or later another team should outperform their brillant season, where only 8 teams were in the 2nd Division.

Isco: "hi ^^, a few weeks ago riquelme told me about his plans to open a new fm team, we were talking about how desperately we both needed a new challenge on haxball.. immediately we knew which players we wanna have and how its gonna work.. it got me really motivated about haxball again after a very long time i wasnt really active.
To be honest the level of the first division has improved alot and I think playing there with a strong team that can compete for the championship will be fun and challenging. Ofc we know we still have to win the 2nd division first, there is a long and challenging journey ahead us and we are really looking forward to start it.
In my opinion our key players are riquelme,meyer, and echo.
I cant really tell which one is the "star" cause i honestly think each one of them is one of the best."
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Re: Season 16 REAL Preview DIV2

Postby chuckdog » June 19th, 2016, 7:45 pm

somebody's getting a visit from uncle jermaine :x

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Re: Season 16 REAL Preview DIV2

Postby Mookrattha » May 30th, 2018, 7:00 am

Read all the content on this site. It is very informative to the reader.
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Re: Season 16 REAL Preview DIV2

Postby Barca » May 30th, 2018, 8:28 am

Thanks :) In my opinion preview and interview sections are the best things on here!
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Re: Season 16 REAL Preview DIV2

Postby saviola » May 30th, 2018, 8:37 am

I believe this is a bot.
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Re: Season 16 REAL Preview DIV2

Postby Barca » May 30th, 2018, 11:39 am

it is my 4th account to give credits to mr. barca :D
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Re: Season 16 REAL Preview DIV2

Postby Nana8 » May 30th, 2018, 12:13 pm

so this is how dead topics come alive?
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Re: Season 16 REAL Preview DIV2

Postby Yamal » March 23rd, 2023, 3:34 pm

seeders best team eu
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Re: Season 16 REAL Preview DIV2

Postby Yamal » March 23rd, 2023, 4:19 pm

ajhax too
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Re: Season 16 REAL Preview DIV2

Postby Yamal » March 23rd, 2023, 4:24 pm

FAT too
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Re: Season 16 REAL Preview DIV2

Postby Yamal » March 23rd, 2023, 4:26 pm

btw gj
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