Season 18 Preview Div2

Season 18 Preview Div2

Postby socrates » January 20th, 2017, 4:57 pm

FM Season 18


The big news at Ajhax over the season break was losing Twigg to TuT. It looks as though this means Joe Hart has moved to co-cap and will largely run the team when Jds is busy. After finishing last the previous season it will be a hard job for Ajhax but the most important thing for them is to build a team that is fun to play at. Over the last 5/6 seasons they have probably had more players than one of Ron's teams so they need to keep a fixed squad that enjoy playing with each other and then I'm sure the results would follow. Joe Hart is probably the best player and last time he was at Ajhax they were much stronger than now. I hope that jerix continues to get chances in goal - despite struggling at times last season he has good potential and Ajhax have always been a team to help players develop. I hope this is the season my old team will start to challenge the big boys again but at the moment I'm doubtful :(
(Just saw that they signed CHE, played 1 fs with them weeks ago and he was sick. Nice signing!)

Flash: Ajhax have been in poor form for the past two seasons, what are your ambitions this season?
Joe Hart: We'll definitely try to do better than last two seasons. We made new signings, hopefully they can make the difference this season.
Flash: What signings do you think will be the game changers and what players do you believe can improve?
Joe Hart: Every signing is an important one, I can't point out one specifically. Most players who were already in the team from the last season and are staying with us are players with huge potential, they just need the time and the experience to develop.
Flash: I've heard that you have massive plans with the team, are you confident that you will bring in a positive change in the team?
Joe Hart: Yeah, I'm confident I can do that. Unfortunately I'm just a co-captain and the captain JDS is putting some heavy restrictions on me which might cause negative results on the overall team's performance.
Flash: I for sure noticed a big change to the team, is this a start of a new era?
Joe Hart: We all hope it is the revival of Ajhax. Will it actually happen? Only time will tell.
Flash: I can't see myself on google earth, help please!
Joe Hart: try google mars?
Flash: Thanks for your time, I hope you achieve what you want to and good luck too!
Joe Hart: ty

Fourth Echelon

Fourth Echelon are a team that seem to have been around forever and now they will make their Feed Me debut. They have won many games already in multiple leagues but I think FM offers a new challenge for them. Division 2 this season looks extremely competitive with multiple teams good enough for Div1 so its gonna be great to see who will achieve it. I don't know all the players in their team but with people like Bot, Reus, Eureka, Sodaz it is clear that Edge has a very talented squad to choose from. They were unlucky to exit the group in the preseason cup due to having the 2 finalists in their group - in Division 2 these losses will be much rarer.

Flash: What do you find different from FM-League compared to the Italian league?
Edge: In this league there is a lot more focused on playing in attack while in Italy on defense.
Flash: What advice do you give your players before the match?
Edge: you give the ball to me and np ahahaha
Flash: Rahhh, mans confident. What are your aims for this season? will this be a practice season or you will kick off for the highest places?
Edge: In team we hold some of the best Italian and Portuguese players so we want to arrive among the first 3.
Flash: Ambitious. Do you like a small line-up where everybody gets game time or a large roster?
Edge: I prefer to have a large roster because so we don't risk to play at random positions.
Flash: What is your favorite shoe?
Edge: Nike or Vans ahahaha
Flash: Thanks for your time, best of luck with the season!
Edge: ty and sorry for my English.
Flash: nah, you were good, i understood everything :D

Grim Reapers

Styl/Stefan is a Feed Me veteran but now he moves to captain for the first time. Styl has appeared to me mainly as an attack minded player so if that continues through to his captaincy then expect this team to score a lot of goals with an aggressive styl(e). With a player like Mata also in the team then they have a lot of firepower up front. It remains to be seen how they cope in defence where I am not sure who their preferred gk will be but this team look capable of pushing for a promotion place. In the preseason cup they managed to get out of a group containing 2 div1 teams but exited at the round of 16 and I'm sure Styl won't be happy with that and want to continue improving.

Flash: You've played in lots of teams in the past? now you've started your own team, is it much different between being a player and a captain?
Styl: For me not really because all things still work out the same, only difference now is that I'm in control. It's easy to get used to it when you have nice teammates supporting you. ^^
Flash: In your debut season as a team, do you have any expectations?
Styl: I expect this season to be a pretty balanced season in div2. There are 12 teams and each have their own weapons, so it will be interesting. What I hope doing this season is to get more active as a team and fight for every point. If things go well, then I can maybe see us promote. But as I said we'll have to focus on every match to achieve that. A lot of teams in div2 have this goal so time will tell how it will go.
Flash: What is your weapon?
Styl: Our attack I'd say. We're an offensive team that will try to score a lot of goals. I believe in playing an offensive creative style for this team.
Flash: Do you care about others taking the mick out of your ego?
Styl: Not really as I don't intend to sound egoistic. People should worry about other things. :D
Flash: Okay good, fun question time! Do you like the song 'Sex Offender Shuffle'?
Styl: Hahaha they should pursue a dancing career now :D ^^
Flash: Hah, thanks for your time, best of luck and goals!
Styl: Thanks! Best of luck to you and all members of the FM Community :)!

Meh Squirrel

It was a disappointing season 17 for Meh Squirrel who sadly relegated to Division 2. Jese is the cap now and has made a lot of changes to the team. With it being a different lineup it remains to be seen whether this team will be weaker or stronger than last season and they will be an unknown to other opponents in the division. A lot of the team are experienced in FM such as Pizzi, Skinny, Nestro and so should know the level they need to be at to compete in Div2. I think GK and ST they are quite strong but not sure how well they can control the game in midfield. I think last season this team could do well in Div2 but the level has rose for Season 18 and they are at risk of getting left behind.

Flash: How did the team react when Diesel quit haxball?
Jesé: We were all shocked, but we already knew that it was coming
Flash: How did that affect the team and where are you now?
Jesé: So, I think it had a little influence in season 17, we were fighting for staying in DIV1, that was our main goal. And when the season ended, only Koekiemonsterx and I were left. We signed some Dutch friends (Pizzi. and Teh) and they helped me find active and good players. So we did, and our team is really active + our chemistry is really good, and we are all ready to fight to promote to div1.
Flash: Did you think Meh Squirrel will get disbanded after most of the team changed?
Jesé: Actually, I haven't thought about MS getting disbanded once. I was very busy searching for experienced players. Luckily for us we found them very fast, like Teh, Skinny, Pizzi. Etc.
Flash: What goal do you have this season and what do you think about the whole division?
Jesé: Our main goal this season is to prove that we belong in div1. But it will be really hard, because in my opinion div 2 looks really strong with good and active teams, and it is definitely stronger than it was last season.
Flash: Do unicorns live under socs bed?
Jesé: Ye they do xD
Flash: Thanks for your interview, best wishes for the season!
Jesé: thx you too :)


After a long time asking Buffons team has now joined Feed Me and he is as happy as a kid on Christmas morning. After Haxtrick closed the team have found somewhere else to play but it should be a lot harder here. The team have struggled to get wins in the preseason cup but the team needs to remain stable if they aim to do well. If they start changing the squad too frequently I can see trouble for them in the future. Previously they have won the Haxtrick cup - the biggest prize in Haxball! (Only thing I've ever won :P) Buffon himself is the key player in my opinion and his ability on the field is not a concern for me. But how he responds to difficult losses that every team has will be very important.

Flash: You applied to Feed-Me for the past few seasons now, what does it feel like to finally get accepted?
Buffon: We feel really wonderful that finally we applied to Feed-Me, it was my purpose to play here with my team in this great and strong community, also I'm happy that now we will be able get more experience, and of course we can improve many things! Also, I have no doubt that we can be a long-lasting team in Feed Me :)
Flash: Tell us about your team, how is it going to function together?
Buffon: We are good friends, good relationship together, we are trying to improve our gameplay, help each other and also our chemistry is decent which is most important in my opinion, we are trying to just have fun and be serious when needed!
Flash: MeMe has also been part of HaxTrick, you've won the cup there, do you have what it takes to win it here?
Buffon: I think that most important is to play with full concentration all matches If you want win cup because as you know there's "knockout system" and not the easiest competition. We will play in 1st round against "Ninjas In Pyjamas", I guess that they are one of the favorite teams to win the cup but like I said depends how you will be ready because everything depends on one game! So we will see!
Flash: Who are the key players?
Buffon: I think that main key is all the team! I couldn't distinguish anything.
Flash: Do midgets have night vision?
Buffon: Can't find answer, just wtf?! :D


Nighthawks have some big boots to fill this season. The previous CZ/SK teams in FM like Elite69 and Dream Destroyers have been some of the best teams FM have ever had and amongst my favourites. If Nighthawks are even 50% like them then it will be a great choice accepting them. I don't know all of the players in this team but Forsbi has one of the highest number of clean sheets in history so I assume that it will be hard to score against them. Shamway also has been seen previously at Canucks and shown himself to be a very good player. I'm looking forward to finding out more about their other players and seeing where this team will rank come the end of the season.

Flash: You're a new team, introduce yourself briefly.
Shamway: We are mix of experienced players like Me or Forsbi together with talented ones, but not proven in international scene like bocian or GaS. However most of us played together in different cups or leagues so we are well coordinated and we know what to expect from each other.
Flash: Nice, do you play together on 4v4 Big Easy together as well?
Shamway: There are little groups like Me+Pompej or Vikythor and bocian... Few season ago almost every Slovak player play in the same team in CZ league.
Flash: How do you think you're style will beat other teams?
Shamway: Well... in early rounds we will play mostly on counter-attacks... But later we want to win by hard pushing of opponent.
Flash: In the pre season cup you advanced to the semifinals, will your team have the nerves to play consistent like that throughout the season?
Shamway: We will see... our squad have good depth so if someone will be lacking the needed form he will be substituted by equally good player.
Flash: Are you scared of clowns?
Shamway: No I am not :D that was interesting question
Flash: Well, thank you for time I wish you the best of luck for the whole season hope you do your best!
Shamway: Thank you :)

Night Raiders

After being rejected to join FM in season 17 vaqq went away and has built a much better application this time. His team looks much more stable and the fantastic result of finishing 3rd in preseason cup shows they have great potential in the future. Alongside vaqq I would say Nani and elite are the 2 key players. Vaqq will have to keep them motivated because if they are interested in staying at Night Raiders for the long haul then the team should do just fine. Potentially they could make 1 or 2 additional signings but like all new teams they should focus on getting an consistent team which always play together and build chemistry. Based on preseason cup they might be dark horses for promotion!

Flash: Last time you applied for captaincy, you had a different team to now, why is that?
Vaqq: The team I have chosen now is much more compatible and simple yet play very well together. I also picked players who were much more reliable than last season and players that I know I could trust.
Flash: Are you looking to add to your tight roster?
Vaqq: As of now, we are definitely looking to add a few more people. Although I would like to keep moderately short to give everyone more playing time.
Flash: What style is suitable for your team at the moment? do u play counter attacks or dominating play or maybe other tactics?
Vaqq: We'd normally not give away our tactics but just for you we will. We usually play very aggressively in attack, this works as our main dm, Wrm, and am, elite, have excellent chemistry and structure together. Playing aggressively always lets us keep the ball in attack, which is our biggest advantage. However, the main component of our style is down to our passes as we pass accurately, fast and can read passes well together which is what makes both our defensive plays as well as attacking plays really effective.
Flash: Who do you think will be a problem to beat in the division?
Vaqq: As shown in the preseason cup, the team we found in our cycle to be extremely challenging was Ninjas in Pyjamas. Almost certainly, they will be one of the harder teams we face this season but you never know what happens in this league, always expect the unexpected! Other than that, i believe Nighthawks are a very good teams who seem to be underrated for their skill, they will also put up a fight.
Flash: Why is the word for 'fear of long words': hippopotomonstrosesquippedaliophobia, so long?
Vaqq: because people are evil
Flash: Thank you for your time, great answers, good luck throughout the whole season!
Vaqq: Cheers, and good luck to all the others teams as well. Here's to a great season!

Ninjas in Pyjamas

After winning both of the last 2 funcup this team will surely be the favourites to win Division 2 and are arguably the strongest team in Feed Me at the moment. You feel the most likely downfall of this team would be inactivity and disbanding but I can't see that happening at the moment. Falk seems very motivated as captain and his former Nerdlucks teammate aguero is always active and the player that tried to keep seeders going when his teammates were all leaving. If those 2 players can get back to how dominant they were at Nerdlucks then everyone in Div2 is looking at trouble. Even without them they have some of FMs best ever players with Yannex, AKR and what looks like a top class GK in Pringles. But no matter how great the leading Div2 team are they always have hiccoughs and I can't see this team doing an unbeaten season either. The pressure is on this team more than anyone as everyone in the division will be wanting them to drop points.

Flash: How did it feel to whiz through the 2 cups before the season?
Falk: It felt really good in my opinion for me but also for my team. It will give us a huge confidence boost for the next upcoming league matches but also cups and we are definitely ready to achieve what we want.
Flash: Where did you get the idea for the team name?
Falk: Haha well basically I have always wanted to have my own team so I decided I would make a team and after that me and my teammates were discussing about a team name obviously, and then we were just like joking around and though why not use a well known world wide winning Esports team name and like imagine if we started winning with that team name in haxball as well. :D
Flash: Hah, well it's very nice and original. What is your biggest weakness at the moment (if you have one :P)?
Falk: Hmm that's a hard one, the only think I can of is that we just didn't have that much time to play together as a team and really want to build that chemistry which we hopefully will do when the season starts.
Flash: Well as a noob, I can learn from your team, what are you hoping to achieve this season?
Falk: Well as you know, this is a team of athletes lmao who all wants to perform as a team and not like a group. We all posses a common identity, have shared goals and objectives which is to win everything that's possible to win for this season.
Flash: Why is the alphabet in the order that it is?
Flash: I'm learning, allow me :(
Flash: Thanks for your time, I wish you the best of luck and I hope you let me score vs your GK.
Falk: Thanks for having me! Good luck to you and your team as well. I don't think you will have any problem with that, pringles is the worst gk to ever play haxball.


The last sign up was a return for Rautovic's Quickswans. They last played in Season 13 where they finished 2nd in Div1, narrowly missing out on the league title. The season before they did claim some FM silverware winning the cup. Naho, Mish and Gamer are all back for QS and are joined by MartYK and ogre. On paper every single player in this squad is experienced playing for top Div1 teams and so Quickswans must surely be one of the favourites to promote. The only question is whether they can play enough together in the short time left to build back the old chemistry before the season starts. It will be interesting to see if they will carry in from where they left off in Season 13 or if they will struggle with the general improvement in FM haxball since. Its great to see a nice team like Quickswans back in FM and hopefully they will be just as good as they were the first time. (If you try to steal Savi from Pablo there will be hell to pay!)

Flash: You were already in this league once, what has is different from that team to this team?
Rautovic: Well, tbf it's our 3rd time in FM - we have been also here in 2012 with Frank, 4okoto and some more players who quitted some years ago - but the last time we were in here was a planned comeback by Frank (Founder of QS) and he gave me captaincy after he had to quit. This time we are here just to have fun. It's not that much important that we will win everything. But in total there are not much differences.
Flash: ah fuck me
Rautovic: ^D
Flash: Do you think this time you will last longer than the other two spells with QS?
Rautovic: It's really hard to say - I am much more busy in real life but I got a good active Co-captain. In my opinion the game has changed a lot in the past years and things got a bit worse tbh. But it's very hard to tell how long we will last this time.
Flash: Players put you into promotion candidates, do you feel under pressure from this statement?
Rautovic: Since we're more here for fun I don't feel any under pressure. But I don't get nervous in any games anyways - I wouldn't mind being 4th or 5th at the end. Playing 2nd Div with new teams is always fun.
Flash: On a scale of 1-10 how much of an idiot is naho?
Rautovic: 10, but at daytime even 11
Flash: Thanks for your time, I wish you the best of fun this season!
Rautovic: thx u too (8


Where is ogre wtf?? Does Rauto have nudes and is blackmailing him? ogre was iconic for what I thought SWAGHAX would be (wasn't he vc?) so its a shame not to see him in the lineup. Very strong squad with mostly UK players they should have a good chance of getting promotion. Destorm as co-cap seems a good choice as he is great at reading the game - even if he sucks playing it (just kidding please don't punch me!). Most people will be expecting them to rely on Maddude and aeRo who led ACDP to 2 titles however there is great talent throughout the team - especially in attack. If they can build a solid def I'm sure they will have a great season but I predict there will be lots of goals both ends for them. The match against TeamSwift should be a fun game, will be one to look out for on stream. Just for Swifts trolling and then loss :D

Flash: What is your aim for the first season?
Splat: Our teams aim would be to try to improve our team play throughout the season and see where it takes us and also to have fun of course.
Flash: Will your team be as active as they were before they got accepted?
Splat: I don't think we will be as active but we will of course still maintain a good level of activity.
Flash: Who are your key players?
Splat: If I had to say one player was the key player I'd have to say DeStorm not just for his play in the game but also out of the game.
Flash: What style of play do you think is suitable for your team?
Splat: I think an offensive style focusing on passing and moving, also trying to stay out of corners as much as possible.
Flash: How do I take care of my pet potato?
Splat: Make sure it gets enough exercise.
Flash: safe man
Splat: Ty tell me if i need to make one longer or somethin


Swift will be disappointed with their final league position last season as they were contenders for promotion right until the final matches. Hannibal and ptichka have joined to add some more FM experience but the key signing could be feno. Together with Sonido they would have a formidable midfield allowing Swift to play ST and focus on his main strength: scoring goals. The problem they need to address is consistency - 1 week I would watch them and they were brilliant with great passing moves but then the next week they would be a shadow of that performance. They are too strong a team to be near the bottom but I'm not sure if they are ready to promote yet either. Another mid-table season looks likely. Most importantly for Swift - if you are gonna trash talk opponents before the game then don't go and lose 5-1 or whatever it was :D

Flash: Since you joined the league, you made lots of shifts in the squad, do you think you can keep the same players throughout the whole season this time?
Swift: Well I've had to make a few changes throughout last season, and they weren't major changes, just needed to replace some inactive players. This season our team will be active (like last season) but I won't be changing the squad as much and I'm confident we can stick with pretty much the same team throughout the season bar a signing here and there maybe.
Flash: Nice juicy answer :) What aim did you stick onto the team this season?
Swift: To promote to division 1, like last season, which we were pretty close to achieving until the last 2 games. hopefully teams don't disband so it's fair :)
Flash: Why did you name the team after your in game name?
Swift: Because I'm an egomaniac, nah joking lol, I don't know, first thing that came into my head, and it's got a nice ring to it in my opinion.
Flash: TeamSwift was a UK team at the start, well mostly, now you've resigned Wildey and you're only 2, is this a positive or a negative change?
Swift: Hmmm, it can be seen as both tbh, but I couldn't really control it due to unforeseen circumstances with the players. we have good foreign players, and all of them have a good attitude so there isn't a problem.
Flash: Do you think Gordon Ramsay is a transexual?
Swift: Wtf 100% yes he didn't get a boner when the hot girl came on his show so he is transexual
Flash: Rahhh
Swift: Looooool
Flash: Aight, thanks for your time best wishes for the whole season!
Swift: fk u jk bb gl


Sadly TuT find themselves in Division 2 again this season after finishing bottom of Division 1 last season (Other than disbanded Seeders). Lately they have a habit of switching between Div1 and Div2 so they will hope to achieve a quick promotion again this season. It will be harder than ever now with a very strong Div2 and its arguably harder to finish in the top 3 of Div2 than it is to avoid relegation in Div1. TuT are a team that often seem to play very well but despite that dont get the result. They need to turn those good performances into victorys. TuT have lost some of their most iconic players in salamini and Ayla so have quickly replaced them with Wiii and Twigg. There are questions about Wiii's activity levels and this could lead to Twigg getting an extended run in the team as AM behind Flash. If Wiii does play then I rate him very highly amongst the best players in Div2 so will be a big boost to TuT. Their other signing is one of FM's leading GKs Booba and leaves Herna a difficult decision for who he picks as #1 GK. Whoever they put in goal it will be a tough ask for them to stop Herna - the all time most own goals in FM :P

Flash: From the past 8 seasons the turnips have had, what is special about this one?
Herna: I really look forward to this season, because I feel like we have one of the nicest teams we had yet, with active and nice players on every position, what's quite nice after we had an a bit problematic time. It will be fun to play and grow together. Ofc its also special that both salamini and Ayla who were a core of the team in the past won't play this season, but their positiveness will live on in our hearts until they come back one day.
Flash: How do you want TuT to play, do you prefer a good style or playing ugly but finish the season well?
Herna: The only aim div2 teams have really is promoting to first division and to be good enough to stay there, but to achieve that we have to improve a lot still, I doubt we can improve a lot by being deadly serious about every point and it isn't fun playing ugly, so the main aim for me is that we find a good style to play and improve, having a lot of fun together and becoming strong enough to play in div 1 one day.
Flash: There have been lots of signings recently, since last season, only you and Flash are active and playing? is that a problem?
Herna: for sure it would be nicer if the team would have had more constancy until now, we play in the league for more than 2 years but you can't really see some progress in the team, because players go inactive again or have other problems, while the first year we kept the same players a lot now we had some changes the past months because of trouble finding really the perfect guys for the team, but i think we have a really good base now to make the team improve long-term, so we have to look towards future.
Flash: Did you ever have a wild fantasy?
Herna: wtf, what do you mean with wild fantasy, other question please.
Flash: No. Safe for the answers g, let's win this shit!
Herna: what

Previews done by socrates and questions by Flash. Thanks everyone for reading! Have a good season!
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Re: Season 18 Preview Div2

Postby Flash9 » January 20th, 2017, 5:02 pm

Safe, for having me :@: soc
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Re: Season 18 Preview Div2

Postby Hannes » January 20th, 2017, 5:20 pm

Great preview, enjoyed to read. :thumbup:
Thanks guys
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Re: Season 18 Preview Div2

Postby ATuntija » January 20th, 2017, 5:55 pm

Really nice preview! Good job! :cheers:
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Re: Season 18 Preview Div2

Postby VENOM i7 » January 20th, 2017, 9:55 pm

this preview is a banger m8
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Re: Season 18 Preview Div2

Postby Vak » January 21st, 2017, 10:09 am

You always do a great job to keep me reading, nice one :P
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